Hello All- I recently discovered that a search for listings in my tiny town does not bring up my listing but rather listings from all the surrounding towns (I am quite familiar with AirBnB's site having hosted for many years). So I called the help line. There, the rep from Missouri was nice enough, until she wasn't! She started talking over me, she actually stated I could change my listing to include Philadelphia (which is a different county altogether). When I asked to speak to a manager- or perhaps someone in IT- nicely mind you- I never used any profanity- she accused me of yelling and said she was 'striking' my account. Only at the third time of asking for her name did she give it to me. I have a recording of this call. I called back to the customer service line and I got someone in another country altogether ('the Global call center'). That representative told me that the 'strike' to my account is something internal at AirBnB and not something they share with users and could not elaborate further as to what this means for my account. I am so phlabbergasted by all of this! Having an AirBnB rep falsely accuse me of being rude and proceed to talk over me at every turn was absolutely beyond infuriating and then hang up on me! What is my recourse? How do we as hosts, the backbone of AirBnB put up with this sort of treatment? And still my original complaint of surrounding towns showing up before my own, when my search was specific for my own town! I appreciate anyone's feedback.