
Level 2
São Paulo, Brazil


Posso ter um contrato de locação temporária para hóspedes que fecham reservas pelo  Airbnb?

Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


If you want to offer a separate renting agreement to guests, then you are obliged to mention it in he listing. It is especially usefull for "long term stay" reservations. Read more:

What are some things i should consider before hosting longterm guests

(change language at bottom of page)

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


If you want to offer a separate renting agreement to guests, then you are obliged to mention it in he listing. It is especially usefull for "long term stay" reservations. Read more:

What are some things i should consider before hosting longterm guests

(change language at bottom of page)