I am trying to reserve a house and messaged the owners. They...
I am trying to reserve a house and messaged the owners. They approved me to book and I keep getting a something went wrong me...
i am a host in Costa Rica and i feel that this new Mandatory 100% refund in regards to the Corona virus cancellations that airbnb has created is TOTALLY WRONG...
why did AIRBNB not ask their community of Hosts for their opinion before they changed the cancellation policy for everyone..
i was offering my guests a 100% travel credit good for 12 months, plus an extra 1 night free as a BONUS for keeping the reservation... it seemed that ALL my guests where very happy with this, until AIRBNB ANNOUNCED the new cancellation policy that was MANDATORY to all hosts...
i have played in the Corporate game for many years and know first hand that typically speaking they only think of SHORT TERM loses...we all know as HOSTS that AIRBNB and other travel sites that don't give us money until day after check in, have BILLIONS OF DOLLAR from holding back our funds and have used our holdings to make interest on, and to further the companies growth for the CEO's bottom line.... these BILLIONS of dollars that have been made over the many years can help carry this company on for many months of crisis... but what about the hosts...we have been given no money from the interest made from the funds Airbnb has in holding for us...we are not partners to any of these riches, and yet without us AIRBNB would be an empty site... they decided to step in and allow 100% refunds, taking away our future and crushing a huge percentage of people that depend on this income, including myself..
i think if asked now ALL HOSTS would be extremely happy to receive 20% of the booking monies in this time of crisis... and i believe travelers would be understanding of this policy...
after all 80% is a huge refund in comparison to other travel sites and companies who are giving NO refunds...
such as most American Airline Companies that are giving No Refunds, only Travel Credits for 1 year..
small business owners and Hotels in the vacation package industry are giving NO REFUNDS
other travel destinations i had plans with in Morocco, the hotel is giving me NO REFUND, a loss of $2,500
my son’s surf camp vacation is giving No Refunds, a loss of $4,000
i feel this new CANCELLATION LAW that AIRBNB is ENFORCING ON HOSTS is unfair and UN NECESSARY in this time of crisis...and does not protect the Hosts in anyway.. what kind of partnership is this?
I have just joined the discussion as it has taken quite some time for my application to join the community centre to be verfiied so forgive me if I am repeating what has gone before. I just need to get my thoughts and feelings off my chest and in writing and then I will go away and cry.
I found the arrogance of Airbnb incredible in running roughshod over 'it partners' and not giving us a say on the actions it deemed necessary (I couldn't watch much of the Brian Chesky video it made me so mad). Equally hurtful was the recent post by a co-host stating that the other Airbnb hosts were an embarrassment. Clearly this person has no financial worries or perhaps she has access to financial assistance which will cover any losses and enable her to make ends meet. For those of us who are not in this position, no doubt they are having sleepless nights as I am.
For now I have no say in the dealings with my Airbnb clients - that has been denied me by Airbnb. I myself have two holidays booked involving a rental company (Skyes Cottages), a large hotel in Italy booked through Booking.com and a flight with Easyjet and not one of the companies involved has refunded. I am having to claim on my travel insurance or reschedule. All three companies are a great deal bigger than me and will most likely qualify for government assistance.
On booking either one of my own properties I ensure each and every one of my clients sign a booking form/my terms which clearly state that I 'highly recommend' that clients take out travel insurance and I specifically mention cancellation insurance. One client who booked on another large holiday website (HomeAway) said it would save her a great deal of 'hassle' if I just cancelled and gave her the money back rather than her having to make a claim via her holiday insurance. On the same site I have had a client become quite aggressive when I have offered a rescheduling of the holiday which I am sure is due to the wording put out by these companies eg HomeAway are 'strongly recommending' a refund...blah, blah'. This is not very useful when I am trying to negotiate a rescheduling or suggesting clients use their holiday insurance to claim any loss. First recourse to holiday insurance should be the mantra of the advice given by them to clients . Yes, I agree that we all have to work together but these holiday companies are not helping but igniting the situation between client and host and my feeling is that it does not bode well for us hosts in the future - we will continue to be bullied as hosts and the expectations from our clients will be refunds. As with the holidays I have booked and potentially lost money on...this is just my holiday this is not my livelihood. I for one will be leaving Airbnb (I only joined this year) and am considering walking from HomeAway too. I will most certainly be remaining with the two small independents where I am in control without any bullying tactics and where all the clients have actually been really helpful and understanding of my situation.
Our response to Brian Chesky's recent video message can be found here:
Anyone know when we will receive the 25% refunds from Airbnb for the cancellations which Airbnb let the guest cancel with 100% refund during the March14-April 15th dates?