Country rep contact for Mexico

Level 2
El Pescadero, Mexico

Country rep contact for Mexico

Can I get the email for our Rep for Mexico, I thought I had his email, going on almost two weeks without a return email


Sad have to run a business

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

I want the email of my rep, not the generic call center 


As a business owner and Airbnb integrated partner, I have always emailed with the responsible country reps direct


its Erich Cisneros I believe 


sorry but the call center is clueless, they only know their script 

Level 2
El Pescadero, Mexico

But thanks for trying to assist


I don’t have the time for call center folks that are clueless and have no authority or knowledge of the requirements of Mexico 



I've never heard of there being specific reps for different countries and I've never been sent any contact info for a Mexican Airbnb rep. Are you sure this wasn't someone who was just part of a Mexican hosting group who was quite knowledgeable about Airbnb policy, rather than someone who worked directly for Airbnb? 


Level 2
El Pescadero, Mexico

I have always had one, they did a webinar a few weeks and his title was county rep for Mexico Carribean and Central America 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Villas103 @Sarah977 

Perhaps Airbnb have, as Brian promised, gone back to their roots and now treat all hosts the same whether they are big commercials or small home owners.

As a result perhaps this regional rep has been let go and even the corporates will have to deal with the call centres.

We can but hope...