I will be deactivating my account, and encouraging everyone ...
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I will be deactivating my account, and encouraging everyone I know to do so as well until AirBnB board aligns itself with the...
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As a consumer, I get to pick and choose where I go and where I stay. If a location that is a air bnb, that is not in a home, but is a separate location , mandates anything that is medical, in the boundaries of the USA , I will not be staying there. If I can not travel from state to state and stay at a location that is not attached or connected to the owner, **. I will not stay there.
** So its a personal choice. So as a consumer, I am disgusted that when I want to book a location in the Upper Peninsula of my HOME STATE OF MICHIGAN, that I am unable to ON Principle. to book ** There will be those in the UK that will disagree with me, but I am not living in the UK.. I live in the USA, and am not going to be using this platform where I am going to be ** to travel within our borders.
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@Melinda255 The only Airbnb stay for which you've been reviewed was refunded because your husband ate some bad fish at a local restaurant. Regardless of your stance on vaccinations, you can rest assured that **. If your current worldview has made you decide to eschew interstate travel and stay home **
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** First, it is not your place to snope into a previous Airbnb experience, there was a safety issue at that location that was not appropriate. Second, Stating to drink bleach **. I would suggest bleach be used diluted on surfaces in Airbnb's for cleaning. Third, name calling, and bullying should not be allowed on this website. I have had wonderful experiences with Marriot Hotels...and will continue to give them my travel dollars. As far as no Airbnb host wanting to have us as a guest. **
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So you're refusing to give your business to people who don't want it in the first place. What exactly is the problem here?
@Melinda255 "Second, Stating to drink bleach goes back to a statement that was taken out of context by our previous President. "
The facts are these. The previous President went on live television- I was actually watching this press briefing as it occurred, so I saw and heard it with my own eyes and ears - where he suggested that there might be a way to inject disinfectant into the body as a Covid-19 treatment.
Perhaps the news outlets you subscribe to did not cover that event. In case you missed it, here is the exact video of his remarks, in the first few seconds of the video.
Later on, it was reported that people were drinking bleach as a cure for Covid.
To your other remark:-
"First, it is not your place to snope into a previous Airbnb experience" - comments published in this Community are viewable by anyone on the internet. Since you created a posting here, anyone reading it is able to see your profile and your reviews.
@Melinda255 Excellent - I am glad you agree it is all about choices. You choose to not stay where someone mandates vaccination and the host's of these establishments choose not to allow you to stay. A win win all around surely so I am not sure what your post achieves (other than a reminder about Trump's bleach idea).
**,....by the way..I am first Generation born here British/Wales. Parents escaped. with their parents over 75 years ago to grab the Freedom ring...
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@Melinda255 We definitely don't want you as a guest at our places so it's perfect that you will not ask to stay. As @Mike-And-Jane0 said, win/win. Thanks!
Don't have to worry, I would not go to Oregon anyway....just this side of the Mississippi...**...we still treat each other with different opinions and paths with respect..and not one is mandating our way ** here in this area. Not to worry...**...we will use our dollars for travel at those locations that **..we will keep our dollars for businesses that keep **
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@Melinda255 Airbnb is an international platform, so your America-centric viewpoint is irrelevant.
You have a choice whether to be vaccinated or not. When adults make choices, no matter what those choices concern, they are normally aware that choices have consequences otherwise people wouldn't weigh the pros and cons of things when making decisions.
You have no "right" to stay in anyone's home, enter a private business or a hotel if they require vaccinations, anymore than you have a right to enter barefoot and shirtless if that is prohibited.
Why on earth would you think that businesses which only accept vaccinated customers would care about your opinion on this?
And your anti-vax rant and misinformation has no place on an Airbnb forum. Save it for your anti-vax, conspiracy forums.
** this only applies to Airbnb in the USA, not outside its borders. We are not traveling internationally. So its interesting that the only ones ** are from outside the USA> **
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For someone who claims to be "non-triggered" and who "agrees to disagree", you sure seem awfully upset that a business is choosing to agree and even highlight the importance of vaccination.
But, it is as you have stated. If Airbnb's stance upsets you so, you are indeed free to take your business elsewhere! Win-win for all - **, and you do not have to use a pro-vaccine platform.
from a fellow, non-host consumer 😉
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@Melinda255 "Andrew, Mind over matter. If you mattered I would mind. "
"Put a lid on your snarky attitude".
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@Melinda255 Oh, my. Wow. Just wow.
Agree to disagree but then post on a public forum on a platform that you will not be using.
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Hey everyone,
Just a heads up that since this topic didn't develop into positive and productive conversations, I'm closing it to future replies.
Personal remarks are not allowed in the CC, so please keep the Community Center Guidelines in mind when taking part in discussions.
If you come across anything that goes against the guidelines, please report it or get in touch with a community manager. @Stephanie, @Nick, @Quincy and I will be happy to help.
Also, bear in mind that this is an international Community for Hosts to support each other and share experiences in a positive way. Discriminatory remarks and the spreading of misleading and unverifiable information will not be tolerated in the Community.
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