House required for two bedroomed Galway City Apartment. Plea...
House required for two bedroomed Galway City Apartment. Please connect if interested.
DAY 6 : Meeting The ... Mob?
In the “bad” old days long before mobile phones, A b & b, GPS/satnav and so on, our holidays were spent on the open road roaming countries far and wide on our Paneuropean motorbike , named Beeloulou, like ‘easy riders’ looking for adventure… Waking up in green fields, meeting friendly locals, visiting obscure ancient sites and wondering what excitement that day would bring , then discussing it over scrumptious dinners. We stayed at friends’ homes, campsites, oases, wild camping, riads , even posh places when funds allowed.
Sometimes, for example, we’d roll up at a Palazzo, Castle or Chateau offering B&B, and park next to a Ferrari or Mazerati, the surroundings maybe featuring manicured lawns and elegant exteriors etc Many times, a disapproving or frosty reception greeted our dust-covered leathers and boots, which would turn into expressions of relief when we came down to dinner in silks and pearls ( well, me maybe, anyway ! ) They probably realized we hadn’t come to steal the silver. It always made us smile and wink knowingly at each other.
Our beloved Beeloulou was more than just a motorbike to us. Due to lack of space, our equipment had to have at least 3 practical uses ( very Zen, I know, before we even knew what that meant) like the old cigar lighter power point thingy, where we could plug in a water boiler, a blow up mattress or pillow device, also blow dry hair after a shower. Hot ground coffee in the morning? A cup of hot tea on a chilly mountain top? What a godsend !
One gorgeous day, meandering through lovely countryside about 60 kilometres north of Rome, no buildings /houses in sight or other vehicles on the narrow leafy lanes, we realized we were hopelessly lost. Our intention was to head to a campsite , kindly recommended by a fellow traveler, on a tiny isolated lake, just a small dot on our map. We rounded a bend and I exclaimed,
“Oh, I can see people up ahead clustered around a crossroads, let’s ask them the way … “ Vassilis agreed so we drove up to them.
“ Scuse, can you help us please ? “
Taking in the scene bit by bit – huge black cars blocking 3 of the roads, a largish group of big beefy men holding walkie-talkies and … -- we began smiling, weakly.
They took one look at us – black leathers, map book, with me waving it about, socks and towels gently drying in the breeze attached to the back of our bike – then 2 of them sauntered over, smirking.
“ Yeah, wadayawanna ? “ one drawled. We explained and pointed to the map.
“ Oh! Ok! ……. “ Yes! We go back 3 kilometres “………” Ok ! Second left at small church, red roof !” ...... “ YES! Got it ! “ ….. “Grazie! “ ……. “ Bye !” …… “ Turn right at coffee shop , ‘ Lucky Luciano’s ‘ “……. ( Sorry, only kidding, just made that last bit up ! ) " Grazie!” ….. “ Bye!” …… “Grazie!” And off we sped.
About a kilometer later, we collapsed under a nearby shady tree, sweating, heads reeling and legs like jelly.
What was that? Who were they and what/who were they waiting for ???
We never did make it to that lake.
Season’s Greetings and Kronia Polla to all from us in Syros, Greece !
Ha, @Robin4, my maternal grandmother used to call anyone who amused her a 'possum', in a very unassuming, almost naive, way - way way back, even before Barry Humphries/Dame Edna had burst onto the scene with his/her iconic terminology.... My grandmother lived just a few miles from where BH grew up (Camberwell, Melbourne), so who knows, maybe it was floating around there well before that... I know it always made me smile, even as a child, to be called 'possum' by my grandmother, knowing it was a term of great endearment. ps: We had a 'pet' Brushtail possum in my last (rural) home until we moved interstate... we adopted her when she was the size of a mandarine, sheltering in a birdhouse, obviously orphaned by a fox... my respect for her instinct for survival even at that very young age, was massive, and I hated leaving her.. but our buyers were thrilled to have a 'resident pet possum' come with the package... thank goodness!
@Clara116 Thanks for reading, Clara.
Aaaah memories ! ' Easy riders' - 'looking for adventure' as the song goes.
Well, we certainly found plenty of them, didn't we?
1925 Indian ! Vassilis says "Wow!"
@Clara116, I used to know a guy in Adelaide (South Australia), whose dad had a garage full of 'doer upper' Indians of all vintages! My now husband has been restoring older motorbikes all our married life and he has had all sorts, but never an Indian, alas. His greatest regret is selling on the Suzuki he fixed up that was the replica racing bike of our famous and beloved Barry Sheen... it was 'brought out' as a road bike model and a really nice looking bike. Part of the regret was the paltry sum he sold it for, when he saw two of them sold on line a few years later for $(Aus)100,000!!!! I am currently looking to find a Vespa or similar to buzz around our local area, just down to the beach and stuff like that. When I find the right one, I shall be wearing my "Vacanze Romane" T-shirt as often as possible on it (the pic of Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck buzzing around Rome on that fairytale night).
@Robin4 thanks for the fun I've just had with this YouTube interview...............I loved it!
CH7 Sunday Night 18 March 2012 - Barry Humphries, Dame Edna, Sir Les Patterson Interview
What a scream, I'd never heard of him/her and gotta love it completely Rob.
cheers and later
When you realise it's all the same person you understand and appreciate how talented Barry Humphries is.
He is an absolute show business icon in this country.
One night while Sarah was in England almost 20years ago she had been out with friends down on the embankment and was walking down this lane in the London's West End when suddenly this door burst open and this person spilled out into the street and knocked Sarah over. He was up in a flash and said to her...."Oh so sorry possum, come and meet my friends"! ......and Sarah got to meet the crew from his stage show.
@Robin4 yes, I got that right away and HE is so amazingly talented.
Wish I'd been cool indeed...............and Oh so sorry it.
thanks Rob
@Βασίλης-and-Ann0 Lovely artwork and hysterical story! Thank you so much for sharing.
Thanks for reading, Rebecca! Yes, we enjoyed wandering about with no particular destination- so relaxing.
We live on a Greek island so sun, sea, lazing about & swimming etc was never the type of holiday we wanted. Some people could never understand that, in those days.
Oh this has so reminded me of those fun memories we had in Italy and Greece.
My first Scooter ride as a pillion passenger was around part of the Island of Rhodos, Greece and the traffic in Rome, Venice and Florence was a great introduction to the lifestyle they live.
Love the picture
@Βασίλης-and-Ann0where's your next trip planned to?
Hi Helen. Yes, I know what you mean.
There's nothing like being on a motorbike - warm wind in your hair, high up, nearly 360 degree views and the Beeloulou pillion felt like being in an armchair. Aerodynamic seat etc for long trips.
Sounds romantic, I know but, although I'd never been on a bike before, I was hooked from the moment Vassilis 'picked me up' on it way back when...
That's another story, of course ! One of those 'Sliding Door' moments. Have you ever seen that film?
Sorry, Helen, got carried away with lovely memories and didn't reply to your question.
Sadly, no summer holidays for us anymore, our listing only really operates in June, July and August when we're booked solid.
But Beeloulou still lives on our garage & gets some TLC from Vassilis now & then. So, maybe one day... !
@Βασίλης-and-Ann0but you can always have a summer holiday in a different part of the world...
When I stayed in a pension on Rhodos the operater of it used to go back to Canada for the other half of the year - he was Greek, alas there's always New Zealand you can come and visit and spend summer..
New Zealand definitely on our bucket list, Helen, Australia, too. ( @Robin - can't tag you, just threatening you with a visit! ).
One day, if we manage to sell our villa & our pension materialises- ( villa worth peanuts at the moment & with the state the country's in, a pension is not guaranteed ;-/ ) We can but dream... and would love to visit you and your wonderful place ! ;-D ;-D
Ooops! Just remembered you're single occupancy - never mind, we can find somewhere to store Vassilis! ;- )
Unforunately my first experience of travelling that way wasn't so positive. When I was 19, a bunch of us rented mopeds in southern Portugal and most of us ended up coming off them! I flew face first over the handle bars and found myself in hospital with my arm in a sling, a missing tooth and 14 stitches in my face. Eeek.
I have been quite scared of bikes ever since, but it didn't stop me from seeking adventure. I've just had to do it by foot, horse, car, train, boat or plane. I'll get in the tiniest of aircrafts, kayak over rapids or bungy jump over a waterfall, but I won't get on two wheels if I can help it!