Damage Protection and Travel Insurance

Level 2
Las Vegas, NV

Damage Protection and Travel Insurance

What has happened with the Damage Protection coverage and the Travel Insurance protection that we discussed with Airbnb staff so we don’t have to deal with “security deposits” that are not really secured funds and for which hosts sometimes have to fight for and go through hoops and loops.


Also, the Travel Insurance Protection that should cover travelers and hosts when cancellations occur.


These are a must for Airbnb, hosts, and travelers.  When will these become a reality? 

2 Replies 2
Level 5
Richmond, ME

First of all, AirBnB offering insurance protection is like when you rent a car and buy their insurance; it is an expense that is not necessary. If you rent a car, your car insurance extends that liability to your rental and this is only if one of your vehicles has full coverage. This goes the same for your AirBnB listing. If you are renting out a space in your personal home you reside in, your homeowners insurance will cover damages. I have a detached garage that has two separate units from one another and I added a renters policy to cover myself - plus I write down all guests license plates if damages are done. AirBnB will NOT, I repeat, AirBnB will NOT help hosts out with damages. DON'T EVEN THINK THEY WILL! I have an attorney, a tax accountant and my insurance company working together to fully protect me. By writing down guests license plates, the cops can track down the person therefore giving that information to my insurance company who will then collect on the guests insurance to cover damages. I hope this helps, Good Luck!

I had a guest who lost my house keys. I called Airbnb to get some of the deposit money to re-key the house. Airbnb said I have to ask the guest if I can take some of the deposit money. So how is it a deposit if you have to ask the guest if you can have it? 

The guest told me he lost the key on the Airbnb platform so they can see it absolutely happened. 

And if Airbnb puts you in the bad position of asking the guest for the money from the deposit, then the guest might leave a bad review because they might get mad. It's Airbnb suppose to act as the middle man to help mediate for the fee they charge both parties?