Hello Rebecca and the Community Team,Thank you for the warm ...
Hello Rebecca and the Community Team,Thank you for the warm welcome! I’m excited to be part of this community.I’m the host o...
Hello everyone! I hope you all are well.
I don't come into the Community Centre as much as I used to, I've found the atmosphere has changed a lot over the last few months- some voices silenced, others amplified- and not as much of the positivity I used to enjoy.
But I am back! And I thought I would use the first post for the Month of Celebration to tell you all about the rollercoaster ride that has been my 2020 🙂
Back in January things were great- my co-hosting business was (almost) running itself, I took a great holiday down to Bath and for the first time in about 2 years actually switched off and left London life and work behind.
In March I was at the Airbnb office here in London enjoying the highlife with lots of my other hosting friends I had met at our Airbnb home host meet ups, as well as Lizzie and the rest of the CC gang, and we had a fab time and life was good!
Not long after that lovely evening guests started cancelling their stays, slowly at first and then most nights I was going to sleep and waking up in the morning to 20/30 cancellations overnight from scared and frightened guests- and then not long after that we went into full lockdown in the UK.
The time between then and now honestly has been a total blur. I've been up and down, some days on top of the world and others unable to claw my way out of bed- but through that time I have had some wonderful people by my side- Susie, who you all know from here in the CC- always checking in with me during lockdown and beyond to see how I'm doing when she was fighting her own battle to stay on top really helped me through.
Friends I've met through Airbnb host meet up events have been great supports too, meeting up and cheering each other up when circumstances allowed.
That's the community I really love! People building each other up rather than looking for a reason to tear each other down.
My co-hosting business has all but dried up- most of my clients have put their Airbnb properties back onto the long term rental market, and apart from the odd business traveller- no one is really coming to London at the moment.
It's with a heavy heart I have come to realise that I need to put co-hosting away for now, and find myself a job that is going to help keep me afloat for the next year or so- so I am currently searching for my next role whatever that may be!
I've been home so much of the time and with not too much to do, I decided to adopt a cat- and I went about getting in touch with some cat charities here in London- and I found 2 lovely kitties, both 15 years old and having a very hard time being adopted because of their age, being black and the fact that they come as a pair.
They melted my heart and I brought them home 2 weeks ago, and have been having a fun time settling them in! Adopting 2 cats or even 1 cat is something that would never have crossed my mind before March- I was so busy with work and "life" I barely had time for myself let alone anyone else.
COVID-19 has made 2020 a year in many ways I'd like to forget, but also a year that I won't help but be able to remember for so many good and positive reasons- and I suppose Airbnb quite rightly falls partly into both categories.
Three years ago, the first time I did a Month of Celebration post I was writing it from the first Airbnb listing I took on when I started my business. This year I write my post as I am winding down the couple of listings I still manage.
I hope that in December 2021 I will be writing that I am starting to build the business back up- but in the meantime I have some wonderful friends who will be on the journey of the next 12 months with me, which I am sure will be just as eventful as this year was 🙂
I didn't know what to add as a picture for my post, so I've added a snapshot of my Instagram- you can see some of the highs and lows right there.
Love and best wishes for the season to you all!
Paul x
@Suzanne302 --This is totally off the subject and I am not a member of this community, but I hope you can help. I am looking for a house in Wilmington NC and came across a house downtown that has a separate entrance to the entire 2nd floor. I am considering hosting an airbnb, but need some info to help me decide if this is a good idea. The property will cost more that I had planned, and it will need total updating. If the property is available virtually every day of the year, what percentage of the time will my property not get rented? I realize I will need to price lower in winter and higher in the summer. Are there too many airbnb's already in Wilmington, or does everyone with a nice property/reasonable cost, etc, do OK? Trying to determine if I can recoupe my money, and then eventually start to make a profit?
@Nancy1429 Can you send me a message? I'm happy to answer your questions but I'd rather not hijack Paul's thread. For some reason I'm not getting the option to message you so maybe your settings don't allow messages?
I'm not a member. Can you contact me on facebook? **
**[Personal information removed in line with - Community Center Guidelines]
Hey @Nancy1429, welcome to the Community Center, and you're most certainly a member. I'm afraid I've just had to remove your full name from the post for safety reasons, but you should be able to send @Suzanne302 a direct message - just hover over her picture and the option will appear 🙂
I can't message you either. I don't have it blocked.
KiaOra @Paul1255
Thank you for sharing and for your honesty in where you are right now. I imagine it’s a road many people are also travelling.
I wish you all the best for 2021 and thank you for your kindness. I hope you enjoy your kitties .
Have you names yet?
Thanks @Ria16 you're totally right, a road a lot of folks are travelling at the moment.
All the very best for you for 2021 too 🙂
They are called Archie and Tyler- their first owner named them, I thought I would keep them as they are- they're sweet names.
I also wish you all the best for 2021 and that things returns to normal! Enjoy your kitties.
@Paul1255 I had a black cat (the only cat I ever liked) who lived to be 19! So hopefully, you will have many more years with them. Glad to see your post . . . miss reading them 🙂
Hey @Emilia42 I hope you're keeping well. Ohh that's a great old age! I'm hoping for a good few more years with the boys, but even if our time is short-lived they will have had a much better time at home with me then at the cattery.
@Paul1255 I'm relatively new to the CC but I too would like to wish you a better, brighter 2021. Your post captures the bewildering 1,000 years this 2020 with Covid has been but even in our vulnerability we'll push on through and things will be Irie again! Cheers, mate!
What a great post to kick off this year's month of celebration @Paul1255
You description of the year was so accurate and to the point. What has helped me through all this, no matter how difficult it gets for my financials, or how long it's been since I've seen loved ones, is to recalibrate my perspective on things. I try to remind myself that compared to the thousands of people who lost their lives or loved once this year, I'm okay really.
Yes, I might have earned less, yes, there is all this doubt and fear and uncertainty, but, in comparison, these all seem like "inconveniences". We can always rebuild if we are up and running, and you have my warmest wishes for your job hunt; I hope the new year brings a marvellous job you'll love!
Also, your adoption story made my day! I wish more people were like you, adopting those that have the worst chances at it. Amazing that the pair won't get separated, but also that this didn't automatically mean they wouldn't find love and a warm home.
I always thought it is such same black cats have to suffer a sort of "stigma" just because someone, at a particular moment in time wrote a story about them bringing bad luck. That poor breed has been suffering for years because of superstition, while, in reality, most of the black cat I've met are the most loving, caring and friendly I've seen. Tricky, my own black panther, says thanks! 😁😸
Nice to see you on here, @Paul1255, and I too have 'cooled off' on the forum for one reason or another. The last time we met in person was at one of the Airbnb shindigs in London. I remember (unintentionally) offending someone because I refused to shake their hand (covid, not rudeness) and them sweeping the soon-to arrive pandemic under the carpet. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, right?
Cats are the best, and this little princess has stuck by our sides throughout this horrid year.
And when this is all over, @Paul1255 (or we've had the jab), it would be lovely to meet up for a coffee. Stay well in the meantime.