Please write to Airbnb and ask that they demand Joe Gebbia t...
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Please write to Airbnb and ask that they demand Joe Gebbia to disassociate himself from the company and step down.Joe Gebbia ...
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About this time just before Christmas one hot summer night 9 years ago we were coming home late at night. We came across this vehicle on the side of the freeway, and both the occupants were sitting on the roadside verge looking as though life had defeated them.
I have had this issue all my life of not being able to mind my own business, so I stopped and asked if they needed help. The woman said, “I can’t drive any further with him, he’s drunk, he is picking on my driving and abusing me…..I can’t concentrate so I stopped the car”!
Although he certainly was drunk he was not aggressive towards us and, with 2 small children in the rear seat didn’t look as though they posed a threat so, I didn’t want to just leave them there on the side of the road so after ascertaining where they lived I spoke with my wife Ade and we agreed if the woman accepted my proposal I would help Ade with her walking frame into the woman’s car, and the man would travel with me back to our town where we lived about 1 Km from each other.
As we arrived at their house the woman thanked us profusely for helping her out in her hour of need, the guy and I had a laugh or two as we drove and that night the four of us formed a sort of friendship, we discovered they were short term rental hosts, had just had a bad night out but were genuinely lovely people. As time passed they invited us to visit their place for a catch up, an afternoon tea and see what they do. We had not long previously stayed in an Airbnb arranged by my daughter in Sydney and I had this glimmer of an idea that this could be a good career path for us old retired codgers to wander down!
They showed us through their lovely rental and, noticing the guest book I picked it up and looked at some of the guest comments. I said something along the lines of, “Wow Greg, doesn’t this make you feel proud of what you do?”
In 2016 after the accidental death of 2 of their family members they moved to New Zealand to be close to the remainder of their family and since that time I have tried to emulate what Greg and Nancy did and whatever I put into my listing I hope they would approve. Following in their tradition I am on my 4th guest note pad.
Although they have moved on, that chance encounter with a drunken man arguing with his wife on the side of the freeway that night has brought me one of the nicest parts of my life where I have met a lot of lovely people and, I feel I am still appreciated!
Lots of love to all in the community from Rob and Ade.
Wonderful @Robin4 so heart warming... And like others on here you had me sobbing about the death of that poor man's wife in a running accident.
I'm also an intervener. Small but fierce I honestly don't expect to be disagreed with... Haha!! Two men in a fight with knives in a tube halted at my insistence....!!
I honestly believe there is a solution to all conflicts and that World Peace will come.
Its an inevitability xxxxxxx
Mary, I love your optimism, I would love to think you are right but all the evidence we see on a daily basis is that nations are seeming to become more polarized within themselves.
I love that I live in a country where I can call a spade a shovel, and not be hounded down for it!
I wish the world could discover we are here for too short a time to be Sabre rattling and fighting each other.
Half the world is aggressive while the other half is defensive........and I can't see that ending any time soon!
We need Santa to bring out a new bag of tricks Mary!