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After five years as superhost I accidentally pressed the pool box because of those new boxes that show up on the screen - I only have a large jacuzzi. This affected one guest who got a full refund and all other guests that booked during that 2 month period were notified to make a choice. I only highlight jacuzzi in main write up and pictures are clear. Why would I purposefully do that?? I have never had a disappointed guest until now. They also looked in my account and found in my manual (that no one reads). a pool/hottub please use plastic glasses.
Airbnb do it themselves re babygate. pool/hottub. That has been there for years and no one ever expected a pool. In fact they do use it cold as a dipping pool in warm weather but I would never highlight that as they would arrive expecting a pool.
I have asked twice to be relisted and it is an extremely hard line.
Oddly they left the two listings for rooms only (when I am in residence) that are same house - same host.
Please does anyone know how to actually speak to the decision maker?? or any advice. I wll not be able to keep property or beloved staff.
They also cancelled $85,000 USD in bookings. What a disruption - it defies and business logic or humanity.
Best Jane
Jane I do not know how a booking agent has any control whatsoever over future bookings . The bookings should be dealt with separately from other bookings not in this random way which is a power play by a supposed person who is not even able to see the house. The power plays here and the wantoness of these reps has to be seen to be believed .ask . do you not have enough qualified reps to deal with hosts ?Brian says they have . Do they ?Guests need to pay insurance and to a proper company that actually knows how it works and does not compensate them for catching their nails in their bedcovers. The whole situation which is basically about something that should be very clear, is muddied and vague. Deliberately ?Free stays is and always has been an overeach on the companies part and is obviously driving a lot of the guests . they think that Airbnb want them to have a stay for free and why wouldnt they as Airbnb have just doubled down on it. Give away your own stuff Brian not ours. H
Well I must claim ignorance here - I have never had that issue with guests.
I had guests refuse to have my lovely housekeeper and even try to push her out - they were of course hiding 6 extra guests and their unannounced child that ruined my mattress but Airbnb would not believe me.
I have made myself from nothing before but I am running out of years and a bit of energy.
@Jane3508 Totally on your page.
Some guests are awful and can ruin a great record.
Yes well it’s easy to sit on the other end anonymously like the wizard behind the curtain not realizing or caring about the real life trauma they are creating. Ok if it is truly a horrendous infraction but I think my history should have some weight. it is also Interesting like a witch-hunt that the wizard has dug through my reviews back 3 years where a happy enough guest mentioned that the courtyard rooms are just outside main house. It is a wonderful arrangement that ALL my guests have never had an issue with - they actually love the privacy. I do not allow children for this reason - they have to be within the house . The problem guest who didn’t stay and got a refund because of my temporary pool glitch - first time Airbnb - expected every room to be equal to the $800 night Live.Aqua hotel they moved too. I didn’t realize that they were still able to review me.
1 stars after being 5 stars. Needless to say I was traumatized and asked Airbnb to please remove - of course no - I am going f to put it out there that every Superhost should have a get out of jail feee card for one review a year that is way offside.
I want to speak to a real person who is actually making the decision that is ruining my life and the innocent staff in Mexico.
I believe that the agent wants to side with that nasty guest because I might have irritated him. (you should here what my new house manager said about that non guest Her own countrymen!!
Someone has to take this outside the hands of that department that is holding the line and blocking all contact.
Hi @Jane3508
I've passed all the details of this over to support to see if they can look at this again, and hopefully someone will be in touch with you soon.
Hello Jenny
Thank you - I think an actual phone call would be in order to really have the facts straight. Whatever the technicality the agent is using to cancel me has obviously affected no other guest in 5 years. 5 star reviews and one situation with guest and error on my part should not have caused delisting. I need a quick response as I might be listing my home for sale this week because I cannot sustain it.
Maybe the agent also decided he did not like word Villa. The temporary pool was an accident and going back in house manual to nitpick semantics. No guest has an issue with it and countries have different terminology. In San Miguel they are all
not freestanding.
Such a serious decision should not be handled behind a wall like the wizard of oz.
Thank you for your help.
Jane Britton
It’s also interesting that this agent has gone back in time 3 years to post a review at the top of the delisted house about a guest addressing the queen rooms of the courtyard. (A bit of a witch-hunt). I do not allow children because of the configuration of that house. most guests love the separation. More pertinent would have been the agent paying attention to rhe 5 years of 5 star reviews for cleanliness and loving their experience and the home. I think this must have been part of the complaint by the recent difficult guest.(bear in mind that they had never stayed at an Airbnb before and moved on to a $800 night for one room which was more to their expectations.) The pool tick mark was an error in my part. All other affected guests immediately notified when it was discovered. I had a new house manager greet them so that was in the mix of us being blindsided and having to play catch up to figure out what happened. Of course it could have been handled better and I could have been less upset but I immediately became anxious as I was feeling vulnerable (no one knows another persons life) I tried to get review removed as it was totally out on line with all my other reviews but of course Airbnb has their policies which sometimes also defy logic. That is an instance where every Superhost should have one shot a year to be able to cancel an out of line review.
Timing is really critical here so can you also pass this information along for the file too. You should also make sure that someone beyond whoever made this decision is involved as there is an issue there I sense. Thank you for picking up on this Jenny - that seems human to me compared with all my other scripted contacts. I will end with all the ingratiating thank you for being Superhosts we get online or in calls with rare exceptions always sounds disingenuous. Time to make it real.
Time is of the essence here if you truly care.
Regards Jane Britton
**[Phone number hidden due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines]. Canada
@Jane 3508 all the best whatever you decide to do Jane from Helen in Australia
@Jane3508 there is a similarity with all these delistings, as in they appear to be 'random' and overeaching in the extreme. It makes my suspicious mind work overtime.Not my gullible mind which I also have. These de listings involve every time ,loss of income to the host and real pain.They could be 'revenge ' from the rep? Possible ? or as Michael remarked an 'intercept'. Is it possible that computer boffins who play computer games have been given these jobs and are simply unaware that real humans are being badly affected and that it is seriously not okay to destroy peoples lives ,hide, and sit on your hands ,while having some type of brain snap/blankout . I have seen this phenomena many times . Answers are few and unless resolutions are forthcoming for some of these people then those who are witnessing these really bad outcomes will continue to wonder 'what is going on and more to the point . Who did this ? H
Because frankly a trained monkey could do a better job.
@Jane3508 It seems odd that they banned you completley from the platform instead of suspending you and putting a warning or whatever they do in their secret files. In the scheme of things, a wrongly checked amentiy is fairly innocuous.
But then Mark it became a witch-hunt on that agents part - everything this nasty non guest said - he dug back to a review from a fairly happy guest 3 years ago who mentioned the courtyard rooms were not in the house - he has now posted that in the top of my delisted property reviews. NO one ever has has an issue with it - they actually love the privacy and separation. I do not allow children to stay as obviously that would not be appropriate. maybe this guest complained about the word villa in my listing - in Centro you will NEVER get a free standing villa.
Again but one guest has ever had an issue for 5 years.
There is no cat pissing on the property.
Colonial rooms will never look like an $800 night Live Aqua room where they moved nwxt
these were first time Airbnb
I made a mistake in the pool because if those demanding boxes the IT dept has added - I would never have had this pool mistake for two months of not for those (so I was very upset about how the error happened in the first place.). Truthfully I find them harassing every time you open app. I prefer to login to edit safely in the back office.
The agent also dug through everything to find in my manual pool/tub as proof I had been misrepresenting for years.
This very large jacuzzi offers a choice of hot or cold so they use it as a dipping pool when hot weather but I have never iffwerws oook as an amenity. Airbnb themselves under safety have pool/hottub - tick babygate
Wvweyone that ticked that according to their policy should be banned too for misrepresenting. I have never had a guest that expected a swimming pool. I clearly write about jacuzzi and have pictures of every room.
Someone needs to help get this out if that department to find out the truth by PHONE
ans realize that this made no business sense whatsoever.
One complete mess of an issue should. It have caused this. maybe cancelling $85,000 USD in business is enough of a slap on the wrist but should not cause me to have to sell my property and lose a business I had built over 5 years and cause staff to be devastated .Time is not on my side.
Well more to the story and what Airbnb is not aware of.
It was my brand new house manager that greeted the new to Airbnb guests. It turns out she was like a dear caught in the headlights .They walked through gate and immediately started complaining (it is the hottest month in San Miguel with a heat wave on top of that. )She did not handle my error re pool very well but in fact that probably would not have mattered as they were gold plated MEXICAN CARTEL. They expected the $800 Live Aqua rooms that they moved to. I then added to the chaos with my stress over knowing it would be a beyond dreadful review. So thanks Airbnb a 5 yr 5 star Superhost gets cancelled to honour a low life cartel b….