
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Denied Claims

Level 2
New York, NY

Denied Claims

Hi everyone, I just had a really negative experience with Airbnb and I’m wondering if anyone has had similar or can tell me where I went wrong. I had a guest lock themselves out of my house at 2am. She ended up breaking an antique wooden door, to regain entry. I found out the morning she checked out and I had someone checking in that afternoon. During the 3 hour cleaning window I got photos. I started looking for someone who was available to do the work. We coordinated our schedules, I could only have him come on a day when someone was checking out/in. He came days later. And then told me he would be back to sand and paint. Once again, we figured out when he had an availability on a day when I could get him in. And it was a week later. Later that day, once I knew the cost of the work (including materials) I submitted a claim. The renter refused to pay, which I knew would be the case. But didn’t deny that she damaged the door. So I asked Airbnb to pay it. They denied it based on the fact that I didn’t submit the claim BEFORE the next renter checked in. Given that someone checked in 3 hours after her, that would be an impossibility. I don’t think I had even found anyone yet, to do the work, I was waiting for calls back. I appreciate that they have created this rule to protect the renters. To make it clear who in fact was responsible. But A. I had no knowledge of this rule and B. It puts us in a position where we have zero time, and it would appear gives them an out. Would love to hear your thoughts, thanks!

30 Replies 30
Level 4
Toronto, Canada

Hi Natalia,

I feel sorry for you.

Recently, Airbnb denied my claims too based on their rules of damages. They have millions of reason to decline claims. You will never know all of them.

Airbnb treat us like an insurance clients. That's not fair. This is a shared economy market with many different situations where we take risk of our million dollar properties for a few hundred dollars earnings.

Airbnb needs to update many of their policies.

I strongly believe, they should accept your claim without asking any questions as the damage is proved by the guest. They should trust hosts more than guests.

Lately, I am very unhappy about their process after years of hosting. 

I do not have a good suggestion for you but I can say keep pushing as if you are dealing with an insurance company. I hate Airbnb's corporate culture of managing hosts like other party. They should adopt more realistic policy suitable for shared economy market. 

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Please keep pushing Airbnb for your claim. Don't give up easily.


Thank you, I’m happy not happy to hear I’m not alone!

Hi@Natalia974@Ash51 ,

I am so sorry to hear that and understand you feeling frustrated.


The short answer is that as an Airbnb host, you do need additional insurance.

Hosting with any real frequency is likely to void your current homeowners policy, and Airbnb's own protection is inadequate.

In the Airbnb help page, where you’ll find articles such as the below.


Host Guaranteed


Host Protection Insurance


What's the difference between Airbnb's Host Guarantee and Host Protection Insurance?


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Airbnb: Advantages and Disadvantage


Do consult with your local insurance agency for additional protection and the insurance procedures.

I hope Airbnb will contact you soon to updated your concern.



The claims that Natalia and I were talking about were more of paper works and timing of the claims.

In my understanding, these things shouldn't go to another insurance company where Airbnb has the term called Host Guarantee. Additional insurance could be expensive for hosts that wouldn't Natalia and myself at this time. Maybe future damages, if anything happens and if we buy additional insurances. 

In our cases, Airbnb customers service and claims departments knew that the guests messed up and damaged. They just denied the claims by showing some silly reasons. 

We aren't companies. We are just parts of a shared economy market where we put our efforts to earn some extra money.

Occasionally, we need to claim for some damages done by the guests.

My point is - treating us like insurance clients are not fair. Airbnb should update this policy. to support good hosts.   

@Ash51 "Occasionally, we need to claim for some damages done by the guests". Yes, and what Airbnb needs to change is how they handle the damage deposit. It needs to be taken, and hosts need to be able to collect on it from the guest responsible for damages. Allowing the guest to simply say ' no thanks' is unacceptable.

@Colleen253 Absolutely.

Airbnb needs to change their policy. I tested the company with a small claims and I lost trust on them. My claim wasn't treated fairly. 

Their corporate style accounting system needs to be changed. We the hosts aren't professional here. We take huge risk of our properties to get a few bucks.

On the other hand, the company has professionals to reject our claims based on silly reasons. I do not have enough expertise deal with them.

@Ash51 I have to say, I have had success claiming on the HG. I accept that there are terms and a process to follow, and have no problem with that. If you don't follow the terms to the letter, then of course your claim will fail.


I would far rather Airbnb take a proper damage deposit and allow hosts to claim against it when needed. This way guests would become accountable and guest behavior overall would improve.

Oh yeah. You aren't alone.

There are some silent hosts where Airbnb didn't treat them well for their claims, I personally know. 

This my get deleted but I stayed in a Airbnb in Prince William VA on 2/14 was taking a shower heading to work the tub is slippery with just water. I fell in the shower I tried to grab the shower curtains to grip my fall that did not work. I hit my entire right body on the metal step in part ( very old 1970's bathroom) I fractured a rib and my pelvis, tore my rotator cuff and damaged my L4-L5 & S1 of my spine I need surgery. I only received my refund of $252.00. Airbnb sent me a denial of coverage..but wanted me to give my Host a good review and keep which I have not heard from the host its been 1.5 months now.

Level 4

I had this happen too - I provided all photos to the guest in the messaging so that it’s time tagged and there’s no doubt about time of claim (right after their check out) and who caused the damage. My claim was 800. They tore a custom made blind - and I had to get a professional quote before submitting a request to the guest. Airbnb also never prompted me to get it escalated and then stonewalled my messages for weeks. More and more I am convinced they are a bad partner and I’m better off taking my listing to long term market. Their reason to deny my claim was like yours even though it was impossible to submit the request which requires an exact amount and documentation before next guest check in. 

It’s such an arbitrary reason. I’m beyond frustrated!



You don't have to have all the documentation and final cost to initiate a claim. You can submit photos and your estimate of cost, just to get the request filed in the required timeframe. Subsequently you can update it with additional documentation and final cost.


It is frustrating, and Airbnb clearly is doing everything it can to make the process difficult to comply with, but it's also pretty well documented. Whenever I know of someone contemplating starting with Airbnb, I tell them to read all of the terms of service first, especially the rules about damage claims and support animals.

We as superhosts have so much bad experiences with Airbnb. I feel for all of you.

I totally agree with you @Si6 that the company could be our better partner.

In my view, they should change their corporate style accounting to an adaptable format for shared economy.

They also need to deal us as their partner, not like insurance clients. As if they are sitting their to reject our claims based on some documents, timing and so many silly reasons even though they know the facts. 

Thanks for speaking up against their unjust policies.

Level 2
Vista, CA

Airbnb customer service is honestly awful right now.  The website is glitchy, it takes hours if not days to get anything other than the most basic service.  I am ready to cancel my account and just go with other hosting services.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

We had the exact same issue, the claim has been denied due to the clause which says


> "within the earlier of (i) fourteen (14) days of the check-out date, OR (ii) before your next guest checks in".
I wrote to Airbnb and asked what is an exact procedure for open a claim when we have back-to-back bookings, with just a 3-hour window in between. I have not got any reply and would appreciate it if someone can validate the course of action or suggest simple bullet points that need to be done.
1. Send a message and evidence to the guest on Airbnb messaging
2. Open claim in resolution centre, with mock prices? like random estimated which potentially can be adjusted later, even though there is no real way to edit the claim ? (this is the most tricky part)
3. Keep updating the guest on Airbnb messaging until the work is done and repair cost is certain ?