
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Discriminatory practices

Discriminatory practices

One sided discriminatory treatment by Airbnb is continued. I complained to Airbnb about unleashed by some Airbnb employees violent guests, who booked the property through Airbnb and use their access to do whatever they want to do, lie boldly in their review to get away from accountability and Airbnb always on one side of violent guests who destroyed the property, brought outrageous additional financial loses and Airbnb continues to victimize the host by punishing with deactivation of the listing. Is anybody experiencing the same from power abuse?

7 Replies 7
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Wow, you are an unhappy host, but I don't think you are really seeking input.  Ranting is okay.


Have you ever suffered the ignominy of having your home destroyed by violent guests, with you having to swallow the punitive costs of repairing the damages, then been further victimised by having your listing suspended/deactivated by Airbnb, like untold numbers of your fellow hosts have been subjected to? 


If you had, you'd probably be feeling rather unhappy too, and possibly even be doing a little ranting yourself.

@Anatoli2  Are you sure hosting on Airbnb was ever right for you? 


Looking at your record over the last 2 years, you have some good reviews, a lot of middling reviews, at least four unexplained Host cancellations, and several negative reviews - two of which you responded to with extremely long and unprofessional rants attacking the guests in ways that honestly sounded deranged. Perhaps your listing or location was impressive enough for guests to overlook these issues, but a guest viewing your profile for two minutes would probably decide not to book your place.


I don't know whether all the negative comments were justified, but none of your responses left any indication that you were receptive to feedback or making any effort to improve the guest experience. Perhaps you had some bad luck and got stuck with guests who were a poor fit for your unique offering. But if you were concerned about low ratings, were you making an effort to screen guests to make sure your offer fit their expectations before accepting?


These are mostly rhetorical questions, but what I'm saying here is that we need to take stock of how our own actions and Inctions influence outcomes before deciding that we're merely being victimized.


@Susan17 None of this is to excuse Airbnb from denying justifiable compensation for damage, if that's what happened. It's an outrage to see a host with a consistently positive track record getting punished over one isolated and dubious complaint. But does your comment apply when the host has an extensive history of bad reviews and cancellations? 


I wasn't referring to @Anatoli2's case specifically (which is why I didn't tag him in my comment, or make any reference whatsoever to his individual circumstances), but we all know fine well that hosts with exemplary track records are getting suspended/delisted every day of the week - and left seriously out of pocket - by arbitrary, grossly unfair decisions made by Airbnb, based on spurious and blatantly false complaints by anti-social and trouble-making guests. 


Any of those hosts coming to the CC to seek support, are highly unlikely to take the time to trawl through the OP's profile to critique his history, in order to determine whether or not he's  "deserving" of the treatment he received at the hands of Airbnb, but seeing a comment like Linda's at the top of the page, would be pretty off-putting to any host - good or not so good - in a similar position, who was considering sharing their own experiences, or hoping to find support from fellow hosts here.


That's what my comment was referring to - nothing whatsoever to do with the OP or his hosting record. 

@Susan17  I don't see anything wrong with @Linda108 's observation that the OP, despite posting on a Help forum, did not appear to be seeking actual help.


It's a shame, because this if this person had been listening to the feedback from guests and seeking advice from the community earlier on, he or she might not have arrived in this situation in the first place.


It seems to me that a good host who's seen years of hard work destroyed by a single incident would be rightfully indignant at the sight of a rant from a host who probably should have been delisted a long time ago. But for those who can overlook that and feel compelled to provide emotional support, by all means please go ahead and do so.


I'm not a therapist and that is not my department. 

Sorry you experienced my posting as off-putting, @Susan17 .  I did call @Anatoli2  posting a rant, which is "okay".   I could not find a way to be helpful or even supportive, which apparently you are more able to do.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

Ths host also doesn't bother to leave reviews for any of the guests.