Hi everyone, Is anyone else concerned that Joe Gebbia has jo...
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Hi everyone, Is anyone else concerned that Joe Gebbia has joined DOGE? Does he still earn income from Airbnb as a board membe...
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Hello all!
I am new to Air BnB hosting. In the last few days we have had several booking inquiries from people with zero information on their profile, no reviews, and who just joined the app in 2022. I am very wary of accepting a booking from people who are brand new. But at the same time, we are brand new to hosting so we'd like to take as many bookings as we can. Does Air BnB require photo ID for ALL bookings? Or do they only require photo ID for Instant Book? Thanks, Claire
@Claire1782 to my knowledge at this time, ABB does not require identification from guests.
With Instant Book on, hosts can require verification of the guests’ identities as a condition of their using IB.
If the guests’ identity has not been verified by ABB, and the host has checked the box requiring this for IB, then the guest cannot IB but can send a message to the host asking for booking.
if I’m wrong on any detail somebody please correct these statements. 🙂
I did come across a caveat that says if you request ID verification then you have to provide yours first to airbnb or the booking gets held up (summary of what I surmised from the verbiage).
What I do not know is whether or not the standard airbnb requirement for confirming identity for banking purposes and such is considered met or if I have to submit picture ID.
Any insight on that?
@Claire1782 Airbnb are supposed to have id from customers all customers but we do not get it . I always ask for photo id to be sent for all adults in the group.I also request in my rules and under IB which I do use for , clear face pics. That is no avatars , half faces ,costumes etcetera.If you have IB then you will receive a profile pic.There is no real way to know what type of ID Airbnb have accepted but a flag should appear if the ID is not government issued or if the guest has no reviews previously . The guests phone number also appears so if you have no satisfaction thru messaging then ring the guest. Also remind the guest in your messaging that you are not privy to the id that airbnb have and that as the owner and host you will require certain information before hosting said person or persons adding that this is for everyones safety. also remind the guest to make sure the Airbnb app is operational on their phones as messaging is vital . as for guests without reviews ,if they are first time users that is often a good thing. Hope this helps H
We love newbies! It is an opportunity to spoil them and give them a wonderful first experience on Airbnb. If they don't have any personal information on their profile, I invite them to do so, as it is customary and will make hosts feel comfortable accepting inquiries from them. It is also reciprocal as they have a bio of us already.
Of course we welcome them to the platform, in our message.
Best of luck and much joy to you!
I have hosted for many years and from the beginning I stated in my listing that I require the guest to present their ID at checkin. Of course that means I must greet every guest however I have not had any guest refuse. This requirement is no different than all hotels everywhere do ask for ID. I simply ask to take a photo. If someone were to refuse and it is clearly stated in my listing, then airbnb will accept my cancellation with no penalty and according to my cancellation policy.
@Claire1782 I had this policy but find it actually has more than one flaw especially since during covid we needed to spend as little face to face time with the guest as possible Those few precious minutes I find are better spent and if the guests send id thru before checking in this is actually preferable. H
they do check ID, and even for guests who have been on the platform for a while but not travelled for a year or two (the great Travel Black Hole of 20/21) are being asked to provide ID. I think years ago we didn't have to provide ID to register, and they started making sure everyone now has it. I have started keeping track, about 25% of my guests are total noobs, 0 reviews, even though some might have registered a year or two ago. I only have instant book on one of my listings, and yesterday a girl booked and was accepted, and she has 0 reviews!
Hello @Claire1782 and welcome to ABB CC from across the yonder in Auckland, New Zealand
We all have to start somewhere in life.
Once upon a time, people used to write and post letters or telephone people to make accommodation requests.
People used to have conversations that provided some details about themselves and maybe the purpose of their stay.
Use the message system to ask basic information to obtain details of the aforementioned.
There's many useful tips here in the CC if you use the Keywords Searchbox they will pop up.
Think back to the questions you asked or were asked when home-sharing yourself with strangers what to ask.
It's oft a good way to stop and ask how your own parents or family or yourself would feel in that person's shoes when asking questions and decision making.
All the Best
Central To All Home & Location, Auckland, NZ
@Claire1782 welcome to the world of hosting with Airbnb. We have used airbnb ourselves and we had to start somewhere to get our first review.
We currently use instant booking (IB) and ask for photo id and a government id as well, we also ask them a reason why they are choosing to holiday at our accommodation.
This has always been provided and I always feel that you leave in your review if there were any issues so that other hosts can be aware.
I would like to ask hosts who require government-issued ID with photos of potential guests how and when they ask for these? I’m a newbie Airbnb host, and would like to build into my listing this requirement. I’d like to do so in a friendly and professional manner.
@David-C2 David for a start it should be in your house rules , something like 'We require id and vax certs from all guests plus clear id pics 'for everyones safety as we like to know who is in our home at all times. or" As owners and your host we request full id etcetera '. you do not get a lot of space so make the most of it . When you realise they have not read anything including your rules if you are on instant book ,then it becomes painful.Use the phone number provided usually ,if not insist on a working mobile be available,then repeat your rules until you recieve a response. Do it up front asap and if they are booked weeks ahead and still do not communicate tell them that you are considering that they may be cancelled. Good luck and I hope you do not get too many of these as they are excruciating. Also when you feel the need ,early on if necessary just ring them and forget the messaging. H.
@Helen744 Helen, thanks so much for this clear advice. I will follow it! Best regards, David
As we are legally required to copy and file IDs of all guests, we collect it at check in. There is an all in one printer/scan/copier at the villa. It takes only a minute.
Please please please all hosts should realize that any and all verifying of any info that you’d like to have done in regard to guests MUST be done by you, the host. Yes, of course, abb is doing their own great and valuable data-mining, but this can be scammed & it will never be shared with a host. Names are a fabrication, photos are changeable, reviews can be invented. Trust or verify, but you must do it yourself.