One of the things I love about hosting is creating special m...
One of the things I love about hosting is creating special moments for my guests. Sometimes, it’s the little unexpected touch...
Anyone click the donate link on the huge BLM banner pasted at the top of Airbnb?
Why does it take us to Act blue?
From it’s terms and conditions section:
ActBlue,, "Want Blue States?", and "The online clearinghouse for Democratic Action" are the trademarks and/or service marks of ActBlue.
Where the money goes:
1 | $186,780,034 | |
2 | $119,253,857 | |
3 | $93,478,053 | |
4 | $78,100,960 | |
5 | $55,684,603 | |
6 | $43,167,720 | |
7 | $31,705,527 | |
8 | $31,067,413 | |
9 | $29,924,707 | |
10 | $29,558,536 |
I will be honest. I do not support BLM or any other movement that is racially self interested.
@Anonymous don’t take my word for it. Anyone can verify the facts for themselves.
Click the donate link, it does redirect users to actblue
The list I provided reveals the top ten recipients of funds from actblue in 2020
Have you considered adding yourself to the CHAZ population; seems like your kinda crowd?
@Mike323 ActBlue is a payment service, similar to PayPal. if you provide a link to pay for something via PayPal are you thereby endorsing the top ten recipients of PayPal payments?
@Lisa723 it’s my understanding PayPal manages a transaction between two parties. The sender/ receiver know right away of settlement. Who audits the accuracy of disbursements from actblue? What assurance do you have as a donor that your contribution goes where you intended? Once submitted, it’s under the control of a third party to send to any other entity it wishes. What oversight exists?
@Mike323 ah, so your concern is the structural integrity of the payment platform. Gotcha.
@Lisa723 “Structural integrity”? Fitting words for scam.
I can’t find any PACs for BLM, or black lives matter.
Why is that a problem?
I'm glad you asked.
Without a PAC to claim a donation, it’s entirely at the discretion of actblue to direct funds anywhere they want.
Simply put, every penny donated to actblue under the guise of BLM is going straight to whatever cause the super pac wants, not one cent needs to go where donors hope it goes before they throw their hard earned money down that deep well
I don't expect that you're going to accept any facts that don't confirm your biases, but surely you can recognize that a list of other campaigns that have used a fundraising platform is not in and of itself proof that the platform has been misdirecting donations. If Airbnb posted a list of its top 10 highest earning hosts, that list would not prove that your guests' rental payments were going to those hosts instead of to you.
It's not really the case that a fundraising platform has no oversight. Not only are registered nonprofits subject to regular external audits, they also have their own clients to answer to. It's not too hard to launder dirty money through a small nonprofit for an uncontroversial cause like homeless kittens, but if you're handling funds for a politically charged hot button issue, you're under a lot more scrutiny and you have to keep meticulous records, as you have opponents in high places eager to pounce on a mistake. Notably, no public records show any evidence of what the pundits you're parroting accuse ActBlue of.
Of course I don't feel anyone should donate to any organization unless they genuinely want to support it, but it's not necessary to invent a nonsense narrative just because you disagree with the cause.
And I guess you're not particularly familiar with maps, but Seattle/CHAZ is rather far from Berlin. You can dispute that fact if you want, but I'll have to ask you to drive between these two cities to prove your case.
Andrew, I fervently hope he takes up your offer, heehee.
I wouldn't think a company that has laid off workers and screwed over their host "partners" would be donating a huge sum of money to a controversial organization like BLM.
@Anonymous You may be correct, but Airbnb should not be aligning itself with a political party. A cause, maybe, but not a party.
Not to mention, these are all American organizations and campaigns. Airbnb is an international company, no? Do the concepts of “red” and “blue” have any relevance in other countries?
Red & Blue have opposite meanings in the UK @Pat271 ! We have 2 main parties, Conservative, right of centre, & Labour, left of centre. Labour = Red, Conservative = Blue!
@Pat271 Red is usually the color of the left or center-left party in other countries. Blue varies a fair bit more.
Dang, I love wearing red but identify with the blue cause in the U.S. Is Red the color on the left in Canada? I'm not that far yet in my studies.
If you mean the fact that we have health care for all in my state & our covid cases are holding steady, yah, we are broken down. Housing is expensive as heck here because it's in high demand. And while I live in the bluest part of the state we are better described as purple- Devin Nunes & Kevin McCarthy are Californian, to my shame & sorrow. If the California economy does tank for a long time that's going to mean a nation wide recession we are the biggest contributor to the nation's coffers.
And being it's pride month, props to then Mayor Newsom, now governor, for letting same sex couples get married in San Francisco & changing the narrative around gay marriage nation wide! Woot, woot!