We recently joined Airbnb in January. We have a max of 14 gu...
We recently joined Airbnb in January. We have a max of 14 guests. Two weeks ago, one group brought in 24 guests (we have vide...
Anyone click the donate link on the huge BLM banner pasted at the top of Airbnb?
Why does it take us to Act blue?
From it’s terms and conditions section:
ActBlue, ActBlue.com, "Want Blue States?", and "The online clearinghouse for Democratic Action" are the trademarks and/or service marks of ActBlue.
Where the money goes:
1 | $186,780,034 | |
2 | $119,253,857 | |
3 | $93,478,053 | |
4 | $78,100,960 | |
5 | $55,684,603 | |
6 | $43,167,720 | |
7 | $31,705,527 | |
8 | $31,067,413 | |
9 | $29,924,707 | |
10 | $29,558,536 |
@Mike323 There's a conspiracy theory going about the right-wing media bubble that BLM is actually a front for siphoning money into the Democratic party. It's been thoroughly debunked. ActBlue basically works as a sort of PayPal or GoFundMe for non-profits. Campaigns and charities pay them a relatively low 3.5% processing fee to use their fundraising software, but the remaining 96.5% of your donation goes directly to the organization or campaign that you see on the label.
It is absolutely true that ActBlue is politically biased about which fundraisers it chooses to host. There's also a right-wing equivalent called WinRed, if that's your flavor. But it's factually incorrect to say that a donation to BLM is somehow being redirected to the (now defunct) campaigns of former Democratic primary candidates. Those are just other campaigns that used the same software.
@Anonymous labeling inconvenient truth a “conspiracy theory” doesn’t make it any less true. I’ve noticed you commenting in other threads. You’ve been inviting hosts to leave the Airbnb platform for expressing their opinions if they differ from yours. Do you speak for Airbnb on these matters? Are your comments sanctioned by Airbnb or are you acting alone when you state them?
@Mike323 In order for something to be an "inconvenient truth," it has to actually be true. Personal opinions aside, it is just factually incorrect to say that a donation made to BLM is being received by the campaign of Amy Klobuchar or any of the other candidates on your list.
Are my comments sanctioned by Airbnb? Now that's a funny one. Do you honestly think a company that's just laid off 25% of its workforce would be covertly paying a host to suggest that people de-list their properties? For the life of me, I can't imagine how that would be a winning strategy. But what's so outrageous about voting with your feet? When I find a company's actions or messaging to be morally objectionable, I would rather choose to stop doing business with them than go on their website and whine about it. Some companies are too ubiquitous to avoid, but for property owners Airbnb is not the only game in town.
Airbnb IS the only game in town for me, & hosts like me, who have very basic, modest, homeshare listings - with shared bathroom.
I LOVE Airbnb, for the opportunity it has given me to make a modest living, and meet interesting & stimulating people - of all colours - from 50 nations. I wouldn't be without it!
But like @Mike323 , I'm uneasy about this political move. As I've commented on other threads, one can be completely NON-racist, but not manifest this in supporting BLM. Or more to the point, not want BLM thrust in our faces.
I certainly will not take my custom elsewhere - (Nowhere else to go) - I'm in a "world where anyone can belong", as one of Airbnb's slogan's goes.... And I love it! - Just so long as there is no mind control/Newthought.......
@Helen350 take heart, you are not alone, not the minority. Good citizens of all races are in alignment with your sentiment but few choose to speak, or are censored when they do in order to create the illusion that most agree with the lies. It’s good vs evil, not black vs white.
I get many, many more bookings via VRBO/HomeAway than AirBnB. As soon as I have hosted the AirBnB guests that have already booked, I am dropping AirBnB. The BLM donation was the last straw. I recommend that everyone let their voice be heard, by leaving this corrupt organization which treats their hosts with complete disregard.
No good for me , @Linda1154 - Airbnb is my only option for 1 -7 day lets, being a basic, scruffy, homeshare. VRBO/Home Away only do 'whole place' listings, I think?
@Helen350 I'm not sure about the VRBO requirements. I haven't used FlipKey but I think that might be an alternative to AirBnb.
What @Mike323 said:" There's a conspiracy theory going about the right-wing media bubble that BLM is actually a front for siphoning money into the Democratic party. It's been thoroughly debunked. ".
At least get your facts straight.
Correction- i meant Andrew0. He is simply stating facts. Mike is looking for fault where there is none,
It truly isn't @Helen350 why would you think that ?
There are many, many ways in which you can market your STR outside of Airbnb.
I am in a similar situation to you and get nearly half my business outside of Airbnb.
Have you tried setting up your own marketing channels on FB and a website. Have you tried advertising through Spare Room which does short term bookings? Have you contacted companies with HQs in your area and asked if you can be put on a list of accommodation providers.
Fighting against racism and fighting for equality is not a political issue it is a human rights issue. Just as during WW1 and WW2 when we fought against the Nazi's.
Sadly @Mike323 seems intent in spreading factual untruths including this latest post. A donation to BLM does not go to the democrat party in the US. All that is happening in common with many others they share a fundraising platform.
Oh yes @Helen3 , I use Spare Room for my LTR and for lodgers in my own house. But I've had NO lodgers thru Spare Room in over a year; all my lodgers in the last year booked a couple of days on Airbnb - that's how they found me, & asked if they could stay as lodgers 2-4 days a week, 5 months & 7 months.
I've had a lot of Spare Room interest in the last few weeks, including folk trying to beat the lockdown byusing Spare Room for holiday bookings! So I've just got a 6 weeker & a 3 monther in my LTR doing the latest thing of working from home & hill walking! And a couple & a single are thinking about 2, 8,10 weeks in my spare rooms whilst furloughed! If they come, I'll not be needing Airbnb for the summer...
The reason I would not set up my own marketing is cos 1) No one would see it, unlike Airbnb where I'm top of the listings in our area. 2) People might expect a'proper BnB,i not a junk filled battered old house! -With shared bathroom.
Airbnb is the ONLY way I can market what I offer, cos it's the only platform on which you can market places as 'lived in' as mine.
Plus there are regulations to consider. The Council know what Airbnb is - 'It's only Airbnb, so who cares? Just like having lodgers really', said the man from the council, when the xenophobic nasty neighbour complained I was running an illegal business...
No I LOVE Airbnb & the bottom of the market ethos it started with, which is MY M.O.. I 've hosted 50 nationalities; never would have done that privately. And loads of YOUNG people, who are the easiest to work with, - 'It's like Hogwarts!', said one; the older ones are more likely to turn their noses up!
I may not agree with the means to an end of BLM, but I don't feel strongly enough to leave the platform. I love Airbnb, & the political sideline (marketing) is for me a minor issue.
It truly isn't @Helen350 why would you think that ?
There are many, many ways in which you can market your STR outside of Airbnb.
I am in a similar situation to you and get nearly half my business outside of Airbnb.
Have you tried setting up your own marketing channels on FB and a website. Have you tried advertising through Spare Room which does short term bookings? Have you contacted companies with HQs in your area and asked if you can be put on a list of accommodation providers. Just a few ideas to get you started.
Fighting against racism and fighting for equality is not a political issue it is a human rights issue. Just as during WW1 and WW2 when we fought against the Nazi's.
Sadly @Mike323 seems intent in spreading factual untruths because of his political persuasion including this latest post. A donation to BLM does not go to the democrat party in the US. All that is happening in common with many others they share a fundraising payment platform.
That is like you being told if you make a donation on Go fund me to a charity, it automatically will go to a political party who also uses the same platform for its donations. If someone told you that in a conversation you would rightly laugh at the ridiculousness of such a comment.