Dubai The Address Appartement

Level 1
Düsseldorf, Germany

Dubai The Address Appartement

Hi guys,


I need your experience and opinion regarding this AirBnb listing below.



I have already booked there for 4 days with my family.

After reading the reviews, I found several from the same person over several listings from the same host.

Now I am worried that I have fallen for a fake AirBnB listing.

Could someone please take a look at this and give me their opinion?


best wishes



2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


It is indeed remarkable there are many reviews from same persons.

But if you look at the profiles of those guests, you will see they travel a lot and some hosts also mentioned in their guest reviews: "stayed multiple times".


Level 1
Düsseldorf, Germany

@Emiel1  thx for your quick reply!!