Emergency host in springfield missouri.


Emergency host in springfield missouri.

Secure a temporary very urgent housing solution for my current about to be homeless life situation. I have seen others comments in similar situations receive financial help through air bnb and kind hosts willing to open their listing to a person at risk like myself ... I am in urgent need of a emergency stay through your relief program immediately please. My safety could be at risk. There is an ad on your app that states air bnb helps with different emergencies such as fleeing abuse, and covid for examples. These are listed aside from the eligible relief, and disaster housing. Mine is an imminent need as I as of today have nowhere to go as I have to leave my toxic mentally abide living situations with my father. This has more aggressively hostile, and very manipulating house we have been residing in together the past * and a half years. No longer a viable option. I have nowhere to go, and am afraid of being around groups of people, so a shelter is unfortunately not an option. I am looking into permanent, stable housing options around Springfield Missouri, but need your hosts kind help for a little safe transitioning period. I have heard your company provide this service to others under my dire circumstances. Please get back ahold of me asap, and please let us get a resolution. My name is Cameo Brown, and I am a female finally brave enough but not financially able victim of deep mental abuse ready to escape this nightmare situation. Thank you.

You did not yet indicate what AirBnB should do to make this right.

I have no other safe housing options at the time being. I will be out on the cold streets as of today, and I have never been in straits such as these before. O am afraid of groups of people so a shelter isn't a viable option for me. This is my last hope. Please help me
Top Answer
Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Cameo3   This is the third time today you have posted this (using two different profiles) and you have been answered both times previously with the only advice we can give as this is a Discussion Forum only.  I do appreciate that you are struggling.  Please read the advice you were given earlier.  I hope things work out for you

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Cameo3   This is the third time today you have posted this (using two different profiles) and you have been answered both times previously with the only advice we can give as this is a Discussion Forum only.  I do appreciate that you are struggling.  Please read the advice you were given earlier.  I hope things work out for you

I didn't mean to lost from two profiles.  I'm new at this and was trying to figure out what it was exactly I was sending, so that's an oops on my part.  I'm not very savvy with phones, websites etc especially this type of forum.  I thought maybe there would be some host put there with a offer.  I'm leaving this up to see if anything comes my way.  Thanks for your feedback!!

@Cameo3   This is a forum for discussing Airbnb issues.  There is a very small chance that a host in your area is going to see your post.  You need to register through airbnb.org or research groups in your area that assist with emergency housing and have relationships with Airbnb.