Experiencing odd goings on re check in settings/instructions?

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

Experiencing odd goings on re check in settings/instructions?

I’m in the dark trying to figure out what’s going on. My most recent booking request indicated to me that they would be checking in ‘sometime in the afternoon.’ My check in time is 4. Now, it has in the past spontaneously changed to ‘flexible’ at times, due to a bug. But I checked, and it’s still set at 4. 

The request prior to that indicated they would be checking in ‘between 3 & 4.’ WHAT is going on? What’s changed? I went and checked my check in instructions as well, and they are BLANK. Nothing there. Except they HAD been filled in. What’s confusing is, confirmed guests have been getting those just fine, because none have had problems accessing them from their trips tab or had to ask me for them. I check various settings daily for spontaneous changes, but admit I have not checked ‘check in instructions’ recently so I have no idea when those disappeared. But as I say, no guests have had issues there. I guess I now have to check  EVERY SINGLE NOOK AND CRANNY of my listing daily now. Frustrating and exhausting. 

Anyone else experiencing similar weirdness?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Greenville, SC

Yep, it’s happened to me twice, on that same field. I only checked it when I read here that it sometimes gets wiped out, and sure enough, mine was wiped out, too. Thank goodness no one has shown up before my keycode lock was set for them.

@Pat271 Good to know. Gosh, it's tiresome dealing with the shenaniganery on this platform. Like I say, it seems we now have to check every corner of the listing every day, to keep up.

Level 10
Orono, ME

@Colleen253 For you listing that sleep 5, you no longer have a pre-booking message. I guess your settings finally caught up with you since you turned off instant book. This is what the booking screen looks like. Guests are asked to inform the host when they'll check in. So guests are following the instructions right in front of their faces without thinking back to (or even reading) your check-in time/house rules.


Screen Shot 2021-09-08 at 11.47.40 AM.png

@Emilia42 Thank you! That explains a lot. Yes, guests were getting the prebooking message until these last few. I thought it was because I have instant book on the other one, that it transferred over. I was also able to see guest star ratings on both as well. I've updated my intial message to guests now, to mention check in time. I know most guests still aren't reading the house rules, as I never get the other guest info I ask for there.