Your listing shows 6 guests maximum and the same price for 1 to 6 registred guests (no additional guest fee have been set). So is the current guest having unregistred guests stay at the house ?
@Emiel1 Sorry for the late response I usually don’t come on here. During the initial set up on Airbnb I did put an extra guests fee at the moment I don’t recall how much. since then I have made some changes because it seems no matter what you write down guests don’t read the entire listing,description, instructions and so on.The guests bring way too many other guests. I had a particular guest who actually rented the place for a party. In my listing it says absolutely no parties,events allowed. I called Airbnb to let them know what is going on.I sent them videos and pictures they told me to not go over there Airbnb will take care of it .I asked Airbnb to charge for each additional guest. I promise you at the moment the time of this I was gonna shut down my Airbnb account. I felt hopeless when it came to Airbnb support. Airbnb was no help at all. Of course it was on the weekend so I had to play phone tag with everybody and wait extra days later for the ambassador to call me and apologize again nothing was done as a apology from Airbnb they send me a bag.I decided I do not want any extra guests and if something like this ever happens again I will notify the police. I updated my listing and everything is there all they need to do is read.