I have just received the most careless response from Airbnb ...
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I have just received the most careless response from Airbnb in regards to $4,000+ of unauthorised credit card charges. In res...
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This topic is part of the CC Festival of Sustainability
The original topic was posted on the Portuguese-speaking Community Center by @Denise583, and we have translated it below.
For me, sustainable use is not only about resource mindfulness, and the use of renewable materials, but also about ZERO WASTE.
Both the conscious use and the REUSE are primordial.
I am from the generation of Peace and Love, where even without raising the flag of Sustainability, we practiced conscious usage and non-waste.
Clothes were passed from brother to brother, cousins and neighbors. Tears and holes on clothes were mended, rice from the day before became rice cakes, stale bread became toast or breadcrumbs, packaging was returnable or made of paper, no disposable items, durable goods REALLY lasted for years…
Anyway, I was brought up like this and I practice it in my life.
You can see it in the photos:
A construction of exposed solid brick (less cement), wood from our land, in the foundation of the house we used stones that we collected from the land;
Use of solar heating and natural treatment of black and grey water;
Large use of bamboo, pallets and crates;
The windows and the bedside table were rescued from the dump;
The old bathtub refurbished;
The tempered glass, used;
The bedside table lamp is partly from a tree trunk and an automotive air filter, discarded.
Reuse of plastic margarine containers for the rubbish;
The iron bucket used in the construction works received a patina and, upside down, becomes a pendant lamp;
A piece of wood becomes a support for toothbrushes.
In short, less waste, less disposal, reuse, details that contribute to the non-waste and sustainability of the planet.
Over to you, how do you stay more sustainable in small daily practices?
@Denise583 we were also bought with zero waste on the farm when we were growing up and clothes were handed down to the next one in line. Our parents were subsistence farmers on a small farm and just starting up after protecting our country in the Pacific.
When was your cottage built and did you build it yourself or assist? I love the recycled material you have used for furnishings, it takes imagination and materials accessable and available well done. I love the hanging space and such a simple item if you are limited for space.
We were also raised to make the most of what we had, pure cotton sheets that last a lifetime, grew our own fruit and vegetables and mended clothing and had hand me downs etc and built furniture from scratch.
You have done an amazing job of your what is now called a Tiny Home which is what a home around 100 years ago was quite normal as that's all people had due to limited means and resources.
Oi @Jenny ,
Agradeço pela postagem.
@Laurelle3 e @Helen427 , fico muito feliz em saber que, mesmo vivendo em países diferentes, compartilhamos algo em comum, um modo de vida mais simples e verdadeiro.
Me sinto abençoada por ter tido essa vivência e faço de tudo para mantê-la viva no meu dia a dia.
O verdadeiro sentido de VIVER, está na SIMPLICIDADE.
Sejamos simples...
Sejamos leves...
Sejamos verdadeiros...
Eis o caminho!
Luz e Paz, de um pedacinho do paraíso, nas serras das Minas Gerais, Brasil.
@Denise583 I love your philosophy lwill have to adopt it. Onward marching we will go.