Hello there good people, 'm very new on here and looking for...
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Hello there good people, 'm very new on here and looking for a help. My apartment is unique and in the city center of Casabla...
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As we bid farewell to our week-long Festival of Hospitality 2023 today, we couldn't have asked for a more perfect conclusion but with a video created by our community! A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who submitted videos, wrote articles, and engaged in discussions. We appreciate everyone who played a role in this event with the enthusiasm to share valuable tips and insights on hospitality.
We've eagerly anticipated sharing this wonderful video featuring our fantastic Hosts from around the world about why they love hosting. A big thanks goes out to @Soraya19, @Marielle135, @Delphine348, @Laurelle3, @Tatiya0, @Zoé27, @Patricia2526, @Claudia331, @Felicity11, @Deirdre122, @Jue0, @Jennifer3225, @Daniel1651, @Clara116, @Nicole13, @Ronaldo-And-Carla0, @Pilar631, @Arianna49, @RamonandRhonda0, @Jean174, @Kathryn52, @Carla1117, @Afranio0, @Nathan146, @Suzanne972 amongst others!
Thanks everyone,
Perfect ending.....thanks Quincy, Stephanie, and all the team at the Community Center for an amazing job.
Biggest of hugs to you all,
What a Great Uplifting Video Thanks all you Wonderful Host !!!!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful video, Thanks Airbnb for making everyone is possible!
What a wonderful video and perfect conclusion to the festival. Well done everyone, and thanks, Airbnb!
What a wonderful video and perfect conclusion to the festival. Well done everyone, and thanks, Airbnb!. I belong to multan pakistan.one monthe ago i listed my villa. And i m enjoyong with airbnb..love airbnb
What a LOVELY video! I will share it in our community!
Thanks for all.
Thank You Quincy!!
I honestly enjoyed being a part of the festival and expressing my appreciation to Airbnb for this opportunity. It was another way of sharing with the world ....my love for my hosting life!!!
When you decide to travel to Iindia...to Mumbai...a home away from your home awaits you!!
Thank you so much for participating this year as well @Soraya19! I still remember the rap that your daughter made!
I will definitely consider your offer when I visit India!
Thank you so much again 🙏
@Quincyaand your team. Thank you for being the team leader helping out where needed. Keeping us inline. What Festival of Hospitality means to me is that it is a wonderful world of Airbnb hosts make and live in.
Great work for all Airbnb hosts who took part in the vieo showcasing where you live in the world and what hosting means to you.
But I have a complaint @Quincy with, on your map of the world there is only 1/2 of Australia covered by a chair and no New Zealand or Pacific Islands for the Airbnb map. Hey we are here Down Under!
Lovely video! Congratulations and thank you for including me. it was a pleasure to participate! ^_^
Awesome video! Congratulations to everyone!