how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
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how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
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I just came across this:
Which I thought might be interesting to fans of Killing Eve and the character Villanelle's aesthetic.
Would be interested to hear from others that either host or have come across listings featured in film and TV.
PS, this listing has 92 photos!! Yes, 92. I've never seen so many on a listing, but I guess, if you've got it, flaunt it!
I saw a listing yesterday that had 157 photos. I stopped looking at 44. They were nice quality, but there was a lot of edundancy, and close ups of individual decorative items. By the time I stopped looking I still hadn't seen the kitchen or bathroom.
As lovely as a place is, I think that is a crazy amount. I have around 20 odd photos on my listings and I've never had a guest ask to see more...
@Debra300 I fail to understand why hosts think that close-ups of decorative items is of any interest to guests when they are looking for accommodation. Do they really think guests will book because "Oh, I love that vase"?
Although those types of pictures wouldn't really nudge me to book, I have met a lot of people who would be wowed by these things, because it's not something that they get to see in their daily lives. So, the opportunity to live with all the decor would be quite persuasive for them.
@Debra300 I guess that could be the case, but most of the close-ups of the decorative items I see may be beautiful to the host, but aren't anything special. It's not like they're showing that they have a original Rodin statue, it tends to be along the lines of a vase full of dried flowers.
As a minimalist myself, I would be turned off of booking a place full of purely decorative items, unless they were some truly unique collection, which is maybe what you were referring to- it's just dust-collectors and clutter to me.
You and I live in areas where many of the locals live very humbly, and to some of them living with a lot of chotskies would be like being in an amusement park or an opportunity to live a life less ordinary.
@Debra300 I can see that. But just for interests sake, in the case of Mexico, my experience is that the working class here who live in humble homes love chotckas- their shelves are full of them. It's the wealthier class here who tend to have homes which are minimalistic.
This is exciting @Huma0 - great spot! I always had house envy when seeing this place on the most recent series 😍
This prompted me to do a bit of research, and I spotted this article with some great examples:
Sadly the Union Jack bus from Spice World doesn't seem to be listed any longer, as I would have loved to stay there for a night and live out those childhood dreams!! ✌️💃
Who would have guessed that the Spice World bus was on Airbnb?!
There are definitely some bargains here. I think I would have to pick Downton Abbey, just so I could swan around putting on airs and graces 🙂
Wow~~ @Huma0 thanks for sharing. This is so cool~
Henry and I are both huge fans of Killing Eve 😁
Wow, what a place. And it's not expensive. 360 Euros a night if booked for 4 guests in August, in Barcelona! That is cheap. I wouldn't rent out this place at all if it was mine. The wrong guests can cause an unbelievable amount of damage to the walls and ceilings and this will be very very expensive to repair.
Good point. The furniture and furnishings are one thing but all that original plasterwork and detail to the interiors... Even if you can repair it, it is never the same. I have quite simple plaster cornicing in my house but it's really lost some detail from repairs. I dread to think what could happen if someone threw a full on party at this pad...