Forgotten items

Level 2
Ensenada, Mexico

Forgotten items

Last week my guests left several things in my apartment. I had to call them to let them know. They said they were coming this weekend to pick them up, but they didn’t. 
I can wait a bit longer, but I don’t want the things to be in my way. My question is, how long do I have to keep the things in storage for them?


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Carmen317   I don’t think there is any set amount of time for guests to collect forgotten items.  Storing them on their behalf can be extremely inconvenient.  I would suggest that you message them again and let them know that you can either have them sent to them via courier at their expense or alternatively you will hold onto the items until ‘X’ date and if they have not been reclaimed by that time then you will dispose of them.