Hi the agent on the phone told me its not to be removed beca...
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Hi the agent on the phone told me its not to be removed because although he agrees most of the review is non relevant there a...
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Hello everyone!
A little while ago, we've created a post regarding items left behind by guests (click here to view).
I have to say that it was great reading stories of all the items your guests have left behind. It truly is interesting which items are forgotten that this sometimes makes you wonder how one could forget that in the first place! 😃
We’ve hidden 25 items that are often forgotten, can you spot them all?👀 One rule, though: for everyone to take part, please guess only 1 word at a time.
Please note that places with two or more in their name are combined into one.
Hey @Emiel1, nr. 4 of your list is in there, but listed under a different word 👀
@Emiel1, I see! This one's not part of the word search though 👀. I haven't heard of anyone forgetting their car...
Some of these items maybe usefull for the next guest, f.e. the false teeth, if they fit.
Or even the *bleeeeeeeep* ?
@Emiel1 Suitcase was on my list but didn't locate it. Shampoo was my next to find but my time ran out. I can't say time wasting but a challenge.
5G Guest left behind their Glasses this week, alas, we managed to get them back to them before they left the area and caught a Plane back home 🙂
@Quincy @Emiel1 @Cathie19 @William810 @Ann783 @Emilia42
Our Guests frequently leave behind Footprints and a smile alas I can't find either of those imprints in @Quincy game..
@Quincy @Emiel1 @Cathie19 @Laurelle3 @Ann783
I stumbled on this when annoyed to no end about Jandals/ thongs/ flip flops constantly being thrown into waste.
Those in Capetown and South Africa have the right idea.
There's a number of others who recycle them into new ones, alas, I quite like the Sculpture innovation and the vibrant colours
Recycled Flip Flops Sculptures