Get Local

Level 10
BSB, Brunei

Get Local

Dear Admin


There is a Facebook Group for Bangladesh by name "Airbnb Bangladesh Community" kindly add the country name Bangladesh in the Get Local menu in Airbnb Community. This group having experienced host and members from Travel, Tourism and Hospitality industry. So, if there any issue related to Airbnb Bangladesh could discuss and solve the issue locally.  The "Airbnb Bangladesh Community" link are as follows:


FYI at this moment Bangladesh is very potential rising country in south asia with population 170 million and country GDP growth rate 8.0% per annum. The GDP growth in Bangladesh highest in all other Asian countries. You may check in Google or IMF GDP Report for 2019.


Bangladesh targeting more than 30 Million people will visit by the year 2020 and day by day it will increase. So Airbnb should focus and take initiative, interact with local community to get the  future market share in Bangladesh.


I have given some idea only for future tourism market in Bangladesh and  Airbnb Bangladesh future presence.


Thank you


With best regards



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