Greetings from Guatemala City!

Level 2
Guate, Guatemala

Greetings from Guatemala City!

I'm a new host so any suggestions are welcome. Have a good day everyone 😊 

6 Replies 6
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Luis5653, how are you doing? Welcome! 🎉

Here are a couple of articles I found in the Resource Centre called how to get started
and getting started with Airbnb 😎

There are lots of advice and tips around the Community Center, if you go to the search bar at the top of your screen, which has a 🔍 and says “search the community” and type in a few keywords related to what you're looking for. I'm sure you'll find plenty of posts 😀

I'd like to share a thread written by one of our amazing long time host Robin called How do you get started as an Airbnb host 

I'd like to tag a few wonderful hosts @Greystone0@Shelley159@Karlis3 to come say hello 😊

Lastly, I'd like to point you in the direction of the Spanish-speaking Community of hosts 🌍

I hope you find these useful! 

Best wishes,




Please follow the Community Guidelines

Thank you for all the advice! I will look into the tips you gave me and check out the Spanish-speaking community as well. Gracias!

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Luis5653 

I took a quick look and your listing looks good. You are making it clear that it is a room with shared spaces and you have clear photos, so guests will know what to expect. I would suggest a new kitchen photo (the camera is tilted) and perhaps some additional photos (if possible) and extra text in the description to give as much information as possible. The better you prepare your guests for exactly what to expect, the better the guests that book will be a good match your listing (and therefore the more likely you are to get good reviews). Good luck!

Thank you! Deninitley will work on that profile

Hi @Luis5653  - greetings from Lake Placid, New York. 


Looks like a great space and you have some good information shared.  Here's some tips:


- a few of the photos are zoomed in too much. You need a wider angle. Especially bathroom shower.

- some photos are too dark, turn the lights on in the space

- you can add a caption to each photos to include what is included. If someone is reviewing individual photos they don't have this info. 

- kitchen photo is indeed crooked and needs to be a wider angle.

- your description is short, which is fine, but you have the opportunity to add some info. I'd elaborate on your location, add a bit about the market (what is it a market for?).


You have a great first review! Have fun and wishing you much success,

Greystone Lodge



Thank you for all the advice! I will look into the tips you gave me and check out the Spanish-speaking community as well. Gracias!