Just some comments. Maybe it is your intention, But I priced a week of 8 adults and was quoted $54 per night so less than $7 night per adult.
It says private entrance but no bedroom locks, just explain if my private entrance is locked and so no public access to bedroom doors.
I was reserving for 8 adults if your other listing iis the same building sharing areas is that potentially 16 people trying to use 1 kitchen? That many strangers trying to live together and share what is the process for getting assistance if necessary maybe just something stupid like mom and her 5 kids are using the kitchen so much I can't. Same for bathrooms I rented multiple rooms in Hawaii and a lot of older homes with 1 bathroom many shared if 8 people are using your bathroom, you will have someone used to much toilet paper oops nny young child flushed a toy. So have whatever routine works a process set up.
Review your pictures. As a Guest I want to see how I sleep, the designated bathroom and then the kitchen the patio all areas I am sharing.