
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Guest Rule Violation

Level 2
Wasilla, AK

Guest Rule Violation

Hello Everyone,


This is a continuation of a post I put in a different forum.  I hadn't found the hosting forum yet.  Thank you @Sarah977


Here is the original message:


Hi All,


I'm fairly new at this Airbnb stuff and have found some great tips in this community. I had a guest instant book with me with the message, "Hosting a sleepover for my 14 year old son and we will checkin at 2pm. " I don't allow parties in my rules so I asked right away if she was hosting here or escaping the noise. She said she was escaping the noise, but dad would be "there" and she would be "home with infant."


Well...I thought it sounded strange but she didn't say she was hosting at my place. Day of check-in: Party seems to be at my house, as I noticed from the pizza guy knocking on my door with 2 large pizzas. I don't think mom and infant will consume all of that. No car in driveway and then...a poor, lost, young man walks into my living room. Which is shocking because my door is rarely unlocked. I took that as my perfect opportunity to ask if he was here for the party and directed him to the right unit, lol.


He was embarrassed, I felt badly for him. I was rather miffed, but re-read the messages between the guest and I. Then I caught where she was skirting around my direct question about where the party was going to be. I usually catch that in person but so far have never had a guest do it so I let my guard down I guess. She was cryptic about where to host in her first message, snaking around the direct question, but I didn't catch it.


I sent her a polite email that there was an issue with my house rules, I don't allow parties, I asked about party location to avoid misunderstanding, extra charge for excessive cleaning and property damage. Then I told I didn't want to interrupt, I'm sure they plan on leaving my home tidy and I appreciate that so I can continue to offer low prices. Mom responding with "oh, no" I'll text them and tell them to be quiet. Dad had to work late, I had to run an errand for another child, etc. Well heckfire! I thought she was there or the father with the way she wrote her prior response "dad will be there, I will be home."


I would like to hear some input on how other hosts might handle this situation. Now it seems I might actually have 3 fourteen-year-olds as guests with no adults. It would have taken me a whole lotta smooth talkin' to ok that one with knowledge up front. Of course, I don't really have any way of knowing what the real plan is unless I bang on doors and sit in my window waiting for cars with a bowl of popcorn all night, lol.


This part is for you @Kelly149 :


Check-Out Easter Sunday:  The kids were quiet.  There were adults there for a total of 40 minutes over the 2 days.  Mom came the last day to clean up.  She did clean up very well, even had a load of laundry going.  I ask guests to send a message when they have left so I can clean.  Mom did message me what cleaning that they had done and they were out, "thanks."  No attempt to ever fix the fact that they were violating my rules, no attempt to ever have an adult there, just explanations (after getting caught) that they were good boys, not partiers, dad was on his way to chaperone (not true), and then "thanks" at check-out.


I was pleased to see the home left so nice.  I sent her a message saying the cleaning was greatly appreciated, next time just let me know up front what the plans are and I can keep an eye on things also.  I have 5 kids, have let my oldest have sleepovers there since him and his friends are so responsible.  I understand a small group of fine young gentlemen.  Thank you and Happy Easter to you and your family.  No response.  I realize it is Easter, but with all the liberties, lies, and no intent to change course, I doubt I will receive one.


Ideas on how to leave a polite review that might blip on the issue to warn other hosts?  She had a few other good reviews so I took a chance even though my alarms bells were going off. 


Thank you and Happy Easter!



5 Replies 5
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Crystal366 If it were me, I would leave everything else aside and focus on the fact that the guest allowed minors unsupervised access to my listing. 

if you’ve learned only one thing from this, I would hope that would be to always trust your instincts and never ignore red flags. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Crystal366  You misunderstod- this Hosting forum is also open to guests. I did say the "Host Circle" section, which only hosts can access. If you look on the main forum page, scroll down past Hosting, Help, Interests, etc. You'll see Host Circle, the Airbnb logo on a red background.


I'm glad she cleaned up. The lying by skirting around your questioning, though, shouldn't be ignored.

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Crystal366 well, at least they cleaned up... IMO renting a space to park a group of teenagers with just an occasional food delivery and adult pop-in is highly irresponsible. "xxx booked our backyard cottage for a 2 day sleepover for their minor child and friends where they adults were not present. While they did ensure the space was left tidy at departure, we did not appreciate the subterfuge to book our space for such purposes and would recommend that future hosts confirm very clearly xxxx's intentions for any future bookings." or "xxx left minor children unattended in our space for a 2 day booking. We cannot recommend them as good guests for future abb stays"


then again, i don't know if you're opening yourself up to problems by saying that you know there were minors left alone in your space... maybe you just need to say "we cannot recommend xxx to other abb hosts based on how their stay with us unfolded"

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hiya @Crystal366 ,


Great to have you here - per @Sarah977 's observation, I've moved your thread to Host Circle so it is no longer accessible to non-Hosts.





Please follow the Community Guidelines 

Level 2
High Falls, NY

@Crystal366  Wow, I find this story really shocking. After checking in with the children in person, I would have called the police. It is illegal to leave children under the age of 15 alone overnight.