Guest cancellation due to Corona Virus


Guest cancellation due to Corona Virus

Hi fellow hosts, 


I just wanted to pick your brains on the following. I host my villa in Bali while I am away. I use the strict cancellation policy. I was expecting a Chinese guest in 2 days time. This morning they told me they were cancelling because they wanted to go back to China because of the Corona virus.  I  replied that my strict cancellation policy applies. A few hours later I found out Airbnb China gave them a full refund because of special circumstances. What I do not understand is, why a virus in China is a good reason to cancel your reservation in Bali, when there are no family members directly involved. There is also no confirmed case in Bali of the Corona virus. This would  mean that all Chinese in the world can cancel their bookings and get a full refund.  Maybe I am missing something, or just not well enough informed ? Please let me know your experiences with similar situations. Thanks in advance. 


Top Answer
Level 3
Honolulu, HI

I had guests cancelling 3 reservations from me yesterday, not happy about it! but forgo the money for your own community's sake; as Airbnb isn't doing any good-will gestures or public announcements.


See my repost from



Airbnb's internal policy regarding the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak as of yesterday (1/28/2020) is now allowing host to cancel without penalty, and for guests to cancel and get full refund from China (entire Mainland China, not just Wuhan Region). The specific dates in their Extenuating Circumstances policy covers up to April 1st. (airbnb customer service is so secretive about it and won't point me to an official airbnb press release, possibly because it would trigger mass cancellation hurting their quarterly earnings while they are planning to take the company public this year.. hmmm... Profits over People??)  If you work at airbnb and reading this, let your boss know that is doing a terrible piss poor job at communicating with the public.


In my opinion, the sensible thing for airbnb to do would be to publicly announce their policy of "voluntary" cancellations:  and offer both host and guests a mix of 1. partial refund and 2. credit for future travel rather than allowing this mass panic of cancellations on both sides.  Host would get some of the money to pay bills while trying to fill the newly formed vacancies, guests can use the credit for travel at a future date, airbnb gets their 12%-15% cut of revenue upfront (credit losses later for tax write-offs and for the good-will on the PR front) without clogging up their phone lines with pissed off customers.


So if you are a host, due to this current un-announced policy,  there are many preventable "last minute cancellations" by the guests. If you have reservations from China I would suggest cancelling them early for the sake of preventing possible risk near your home, and give yourself time to fill the vacancy with guests from elsewhere.  It's a loss for everyone, until airbnb does announce something sensible.

90 Replies 90
Level 3
Honolulu, HI

I had guests cancelling 3 reservations from me yesterday, not happy about it! but forgo the money for your own community's sake; as Airbnb isn't doing any good-will gestures or public announcements.


See my repost from



Airbnb's internal policy regarding the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak as of yesterday (1/28/2020) is now allowing host to cancel without penalty, and for guests to cancel and get full refund from China (entire Mainland China, not just Wuhan Region). The specific dates in their Extenuating Circumstances policy covers up to April 1st. (airbnb customer service is so secretive about it and won't point me to an official airbnb press release, possibly because it would trigger mass cancellation hurting their quarterly earnings while they are planning to take the company public this year.. hmmm... Profits over People??)  If you work at airbnb and reading this, let your boss know that is doing a terrible piss poor job at communicating with the public.


In my opinion, the sensible thing for airbnb to do would be to publicly announce their policy of "voluntary" cancellations:  and offer both host and guests a mix of 1. partial refund and 2. credit for future travel rather than allowing this mass panic of cancellations on both sides.  Host would get some of the money to pay bills while trying to fill the newly formed vacancies, guests can use the credit for travel at a future date, airbnb gets their 12%-15% cut of revenue upfront (credit losses later for tax write-offs and for the good-will on the PR front) without clogging up their phone lines with pissed off customers.


So if you are a host, due to this current un-announced policy,  there are many preventable "last minute cancellations" by the guests. If you have reservations from China I would suggest cancelling them early for the sake of preventing possible risk near your home, and give yourself time to fill the vacancy with guests from elsewhere.  It's a loss for everyone, until airbnb does announce something sensible.


I totally agree with Norman9. I was actually offering the people that had the Non refundable policy a credit valid for 2 yeas and this way i would not loss my money and neither the guest. Unfortunately Airbnb took over and decided to refund the total amount. 

Airbnb do not thought on the hosts just their profit and freedom. The question now is, What can we do? Cancelling in advanced is not a real solution for guests coming from within the country. And of course the decision to take or not the risk its entirely to ourselves. Why then apply a law to everyone who do not agree? and worst? have you think. What  if the cancelled guests went to a cheaper host in your neighborhood? You are still at risk if your neighbor gets sick.. 

Disgusting that hosts can be neglected as they have been. The are the fabric of the business. The credit idea is great. To loose all income is devastating to hosts. 


Level 2
Metro Manila, PH

I've just got two cancellation on my property due to the Corona Virus scare.  I don't mind if it is a guest from China, but it is a guest from another country going to the Philippines.  My question is, should the host refund the guest who cancels even if they are not from China?  I know the Virus scares everyone, but does airlines refund guests who is not coming from China to go to another country due to the Corona Virus?  We as a host also looses in potential guest when someone books then cancels due to this Virus.  My cancellation policy is "Moderate", but why now they will cancel and guest wants full refund.  As of today, my country only has 1 confirmed case.

Should I just message the cancelled guest to contact Airbnb to ask for full refund?

Level 4
Munich, Germany

I am a host at Thailand, Phuket Island

I have so many cancellations even from countries where not 1 corona case is known. 
In addition Thailand is not affected of an epedemic and on Puket island itself there is not 1 case of corona sickness. But in the moment there is a real corona hysteria out there ...

Airbnb leaves us hosts alone. We loose bookings even from countries where there is absolutely nor reason to cancel the trip. 

I had so many discussions with guests who asked for a full refund. I told them sorry, the booking regulations where strict when you booked - and you accepted that. Also not your country is a case of corona epidemic nor is Thailand. 

Every reasonable person hast insurances when he/she travels around the world. Nobody woudl dare to ask hotels for a full refund if he cannot travel or thinks he cannot travel. 
But most Airbn guests think that Airbnb hosts are different and have to give a full refund. But many of us give their flat, their house to rent because to earn money to keep the property alive. 
As said before: Airbnb leaves its hosts badly alone in this cases ... IMHO

What about now? Before going to Thailand they might be stopping by Korea, Japan, China who knows what their flights or plans are and they might have small children and risk of getting quarantined. Looking at the bigger picture for all of us trying not to get things spreading, not just for the sake of business profit. 

I absolutely agree with you.  Many people today though they live in one country, for business or pleasure, they travel to another and stop in between.  On planes, ships, trains, buses, etc. and there is no way of knowing where they have been or who they have come in contact with.  There is no crystal ball out there to help us see if they have moved through air space or touched surfaces, or had intimate contact with someone or another animal (as of now, they believe the origins are either camel or bat)  here viral bacteria have thrived, traveled, landed and survived until they are able to land and nurture themselves upon their next 'host' victim.  We here in northern CA particularly the Bay Area get travelers from all parts of the world because of our many industries, farming and tech business.  It is common sense to heed the notices that are being released not only from the CDC and WHO but in our own local communities as well including our local hospitals.  Time will only tell how this new virus is going to evolve and then we as Hosts will need to make some decisions that may require us to cancel those who have already booked with us.  It  will be not be easy or pleasant on any level but ultimately we will have to do what we feel is the safest course of action for not only us and our families,  but our guests as well.  Our lives matter, there is no price that you can put on that. 

@Josef47  totaly agree with you!. Just for March i had 6 days canceled from guests from South Korea that told there are scared to come in holiday in Spain!!! and 3 days canceled from Irish guests.

I ve also already cancellations for the month of MAY!! and yes We loose bookings even from countries where there is absolutely nor reason to cancel the trip.

this is a real corona virus  hysteria


Disgusting how hosts are treated 

Level 3
Bali, Indonesia

I see this post is one month old, yet the coronavirus crisis is increasing. 😞


I do always forward guests who do ask for a full refund and cancellation this article: and refund fully those who are eligible according to these rules. It does happen quite a lot that airline cancel their flight, thus they are indeed eligible for the full refund.

Level 1
Pemberton, CA

I Airbnb my home in BC Canada. As of today I will be taking my listing down until the virus situation is over. Life, sickness and death over $ is a no brainer for me.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

What a shame for you @Jennifer2342 There are pandemics all over the world every year including flu. 


With standard precautions such as washing hands and using a tissue when you cough and sneeze the spread of the Coronavirus risks are minimised. This together with travel restrictions from affected areas means your risks are minimal.


Flu kills many thousands in the north America. Yet you don't see hosts in Canada and US closing their doors every winter because of it. 


In Canada as far as I am aware you have had no deaths from the Corona virus.


Do have a look at WHO and your public health guidance. It may give you the confidence to carry on hosting.

Flu does not live on your bed sheets for up to 10 days and dies of in 24-48 hrs on hard surfaces. If you clean your own property or share a room in your house, this is a real concern. Please do not compare the covid 19 to flu, because it is not the same thing. Flu does not carry hiv strand with possibly  devastating long term immune system deficiencies we are yet to study.