Guest cancellation due to Corona Virus


Guest cancellation due to Corona Virus

Hi fellow hosts, 


I just wanted to pick your brains on the following. I host my villa in Bali while I am away. I use the strict cancellation policy. I was expecting a Chinese guest in 2 days time. This morning they told me they were cancelling because they wanted to go back to China because of the Corona virus.  I  replied that my strict cancellation policy applies. A few hours later I found out Airbnb China gave them a full refund because of special circumstances. What I do not understand is, why a virus in China is a good reason to cancel your reservation in Bali, when there are no family members directly involved. There is also no confirmed case in Bali of the Corona virus. This would  mean that all Chinese in the world can cancel their bookings and get a full refund.  Maybe I am missing something, or just not well enough informed ? Please let me know your experiences with similar situations. Thanks in advance. 


Top Answer
Level 3
Honolulu, HI

I had guests cancelling 3 reservations from me yesterday, not happy about it! but forgo the money for your own community's sake; as Airbnb isn't doing any good-will gestures or public announcements.


See my repost from



Airbnb's internal policy regarding the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak as of yesterday (1/28/2020) is now allowing host to cancel without penalty, and for guests to cancel and get full refund from China (entire Mainland China, not just Wuhan Region). The specific dates in their Extenuating Circumstances policy covers up to April 1st. (airbnb customer service is so secretive about it and won't point me to an official airbnb press release, possibly because it would trigger mass cancellation hurting their quarterly earnings while they are planning to take the company public this year.. hmmm... Profits over People??)  If you work at airbnb and reading this, let your boss know that is doing a terrible piss poor job at communicating with the public.


In my opinion, the sensible thing for airbnb to do would be to publicly announce their policy of "voluntary" cancellations:  and offer both host and guests a mix of 1. partial refund and 2. credit for future travel rather than allowing this mass panic of cancellations on both sides.  Host would get some of the money to pay bills while trying to fill the newly formed vacancies, guests can use the credit for travel at a future date, airbnb gets their 12%-15% cut of revenue upfront (credit losses later for tax write-offs and for the good-will on the PR front) without clogging up their phone lines with pissed off customers.


So if you are a host, due to this current un-announced policy,  there are many preventable "last minute cancellations" by the guests. If you have reservations from China I would suggest cancelling them early for the sake of preventing possible risk near your home, and give yourself time to fill the vacancy with guests from elsewhere.  It's a loss for everyone, until airbnb does announce something sensible.

90 Replies 90

@Silvia-and-Matt0    There is only one link between Covid19 and Hiv - and that is that hospitals are using anti-viral drugs used to treat Hiv to also treat Covid19, because that's all they have.


I have not seen it reported in any reputable scientific publication that Covid19 is structurally related in any way to Hiv. 


It is possible that an already immuno-compromised person (e.g. someone Hiv positive) will have a tougher time if they contract Covid19. 


You are so right. But this is the kind of crazy stuff people are spreading that is causing (and helping) the hysteria spread! Forget the virus... the propaganda is what’s gonna kill us all! Put us right out of business! Thank you Air B&B for NOT standing by us...thanks allot. 

we also work in the medical field...this is a hoax. 

@Helen3you are right. in Spain in 2019 we had 6700 deaths for the Flu

Level 2
Mendocino, CA

It is a wise policy.  As a health practitioner in CA and also a  Host, since they are coming in from China, and since there are travel bans currently in place already here in the US to thwart any spread it makes common sense to cancel.  As such, all travelers as well as Hosts are protected when it comes to any region that has been known to have patients that have contracted the virus.  So we are all protected and it makes common sense.  The last pandemic in 1918 killed millions world wide so we don't really know about this new virus and will not have a vacine for another 12 to 18 months so we are all at critical risk. Each patient may or may not know that they have the virus as it is a 2 week incubation period.  Additionally, flying on an airplane is the most high risk activity you can do now while it is unknown the trajectory of this illness.  Since the virus can live for days, weeks and months on any surface, that is why there is such extreme caution being taken.  We ourselves are thinking of cancelling all guests this year if the virus continue to spread here in CA as we ourselves have travelers from all over.  Be safe and be smart.  All of these policies are for the benefit of all of us.  Not worth the money as the risk is so high.

@Lindy59 "the virus can live for days, weeks and months on any surface" -- can you cite your source for this information, please?

The virus, COVID-19 stays alive on surfaces for as little as a couple hours to 9-10 days. It is killed by bleach, ethanol, h202.. All AirBNB hosts should use white sheets and towels and bleach them between guests. All surfaces must be wiped down with the appropriate cleaner and left for at least a minute.

@Rushdi1 Again— your source, please?

Go to CDC website &

you can find the info


It is a TERRIBLE policy.


People cancel from time to time, and more people can/will/should cancel because of COVID-19.  That is the way it is and nothing wrong with that.


Their are several types of cancellation policy People who make reservations at places with a strict policy are not being forced to do so. If someone signs up for a reservation somewhere with a strict cancellation policy, and they cancel, they should have to observe the terms of the strict policy.  


If Airbnb is just going to change the strict policy whenever, it should actually be called "Strict Cancellation Policy Unless Airbnb Is In A Mood To Change It To Its Opposite Meaning Or Just Simply Changes It Because Airbnb Feels Like Being Contrary."

Level 1
Toronto, CA

Covid-19 has largely affected my listing. At the same time I'm glad people are taking precautions and staying safe, there is nothing in place to support hosts impacted by Covid-19-related cancellations. My guests for the next 3 months were all from Iran, South Korea and China and they have all cancelled.

There is no way I can support my home financially without looking into other options. The best option for me at this point is to remove my listing and look for long term tenants.

Level 10
Belfast, United Kingdom

Just an interesting note on the hygiene front.


I read that using a tumble dryer on high heat is actually the a very effective method to kill viruses on bedding and clothing (after washing of course).


Just thought I would pop that in.



I have guests coming in the rest of this month but they are from the Dominican Republic and Latin countries.  I am nervous about this whole thing and not sure what to do.  While some are very cautious, there are those who are not so cautious. I don't want to get myself or my family sick.  No amount of money is worth this.  We need well informed information.   I have a guest coming in a few days and ready to cancel.  Nobody knows at this point where this virus is landing up next.  

Hi, same thoughts exactly. I have 6 bookings til May and thinking of canceling all of it. Is your airbnb inside your house? Cos ours is thats why my concern is more. Did you cancel already?

Giving you huge peace of mind is worth more then any money you will make.  Not worth the risk to you or your family.   Most will understand given the pandemic situation we are all facing.   Remember it can be up to a 2 week incubation period and most will not even know they have it as they will be asymptomatic for a time until they are not and then for you and your family?  It will be too late.  I would cancel.  Best to err on the safe side.