Guest left an actual thank you note

Guest left an actual thank you note

Hi all,


I read the message board often and have received a lot of helpful information on being a better host however I have never started a conversation before with that said I just had to share my joy.


Today when I went in to clean There was an actual store bought thank you note with my name on it. Inside the sweetest sentiment about my hosting style and space.  


What is the sweetest thing a guest has left you?


51 Replies 51

I found undies and a pair or handcuffs recently!

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

@Ananda14 @Emiel1 @Pat258 @Jody79 @Janet79 

The best and nicest gift I've received are very fond happy memories of shared stories from my guests, no one can ever steal those from one's memories or one's heart!

I'd be delighted to share more of the same presents from my visitors.


There is a fabulous saying, "The best present one can give another is one's presence"

Happy to accept Dutch Liqourice/ Licorice!!
One of my favourite treats


All the Best

Central To All Home & Location, Auckland, New Zealand

Level 2
Frankfort, MI

We had guests from Kentucky that left a hand written note card and a little gift bag of sample jams and honey sticks from their state! Unexpected, thoughtful, and memorable! 

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Ananda14 A guest that was one of the first I hosted for two weeks, left me a beautiful bottle of champagne, which I saved and used to celebrate with a family member, along with a $100 Trader Joe's gift card!  I was quite surprised by the generosity.  Twice couples have sent me a $100 gift card to my favorite local restaurant.  While I enjoyed these especially generous gifts,  finding a note or card expressing appreciation for my hosting is always a great reinforcement for me to continue as a host.

Level 1
Phoenix, AZ

This is my first time joining in and some of what I read, so far is funny and meaningful at the same time.

I have been a Host for 23 months and I have been Super host since day one (Bragging rights) lol.

My guest have given me Flowers, bluetooth speakers, Chocolates wine and a few have stayed in touch and sent baby pictures of their new born. I absolutely love Hosting and meeting people from all around the world.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Great to have you onboard, brag to your hearts content @Maxwell26 !



Please follow the Community Guidelines 

Level 2
Sunderland, United Kingdom

When my last guest checked out very early in the morning befor I was up I went to clean the room and they had left me a gift pack of marmaladeโ€™s from Scotland and a lovely little prayer book with an ยฃ10 extra gift I was so taken back I nearly cried they made by day being a host had changed my life completely I am no longer lonely and have a reason to get up in the mornings Iโ€™ve met so many beautiful people from all over the world and the offer of hospitality to stay with them I feel so privileged  

Level 10
San Antonio, TX

My husband and I often receive thank you cards from our guests.  Last summer we hosted a woman that designs handbags for a local department store.  She gifted me with 3 of her custom made bags.   I shared them with my daughter.   Most recently we received a scented candle from a guest.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Miserable rainy day in London, but came home to these. Left by the quietest, loveliest and tidiest Dutch guests who were here for eight nights. The Dutch are so lovely. 




Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Quincy , why can't you be more like @Gordon0 's guests?



Please follow the Community Guidelines 

Level 10
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom


I've said it for ages: the Dutch are my favourite nationality ๐Ÿ˜‰

Level 3
Winthrop, ME

I have also received about 3 thank you notes so far.  I am saving them to put in a scrapbook so that when others leave negative scores, I know overall I'm making most people happy.  

Level 2
Sunderland, United Kingdom

Thatโ€™s a lovely idea to have a comments book I think I might do that it will let others know that previous guests were happy and it would b lovely to see if thereโ€™s anything that I could improve on Thankyou Elizabeth 

Level 10
San Pedro, Philippines

I received many gifts, when I was running the guest house. Wine, Whyskey ๐Ÿ˜‚(from my first guest ever!), perfume, sweets, rare beer and beer mugs (from attendee of beer festival), t-shirt (from poker champion). Tons of food that guests left and even towels, that they bought for themselves. One guest bought a nice shower curtain and holder and personally fixed it.


Sweet written welcome note came from the guests, that I thought will never do that. The Mongolian family came with undeclared guests... I was in a good mood and allowed them in. On the last day of their noisy stay they brought a rose champagne and asked me to talk to them. Next morning, when they left I found a written note with thank you...


I put this note on my refrigerator, made picture and uploaded to my listing. It helped me A LOT to attract more bookings! It also helped a lot to attract Quality guests, not those looking for a place to sleep, but those, who look for cultural experiences and good friendships.


I sincerely wish all of you, dear hosts, to have wonderful friends, who just happen to be your guests. Without Airbnb I will never had such amazing people and time in my life... 

Level 2
New York, NY

I love hosting guests with children.  They are the sweetest.  They often leave me the drawings and origami they worked on while at the house.  Very sweet.