Guest who shouldn't have been able to make a reservation with us, or anyone, able to anyway

Level 10
Orlando, FL

Guest who shouldn't have been able to make a reservation with us, or anyone, able to anyway

We've been getting less than desirable guests since the shut down and have increased our "Instant Booking" setting slightly to "Recommendation from other hosts" required. It's literally the slightest change, but we do not want new guests anymore.
We also require a day's notice to book using "
Advance notice: At least 1 day’s notice"


However today, a guest booked using instant book,  who had 3 strikes against them:

  1. They weren't even verified with AirBnb yet (their ID wasn't valid or some such)
  2. They were a new account (thus no host recommendations)
  3. They booked 2 hours before check in

How? Just how can that be?

At the very least, we should have been able to refuse the reservation based on the fact it was requested far less than 24 hours in advance (not to mention the two other issues...)


We also had no way to cancel the "reservation" because the only screen we were given was a "Message" screen, with no interaction.


AND to add insult to injury, someone we pre-approved for a check in today (who had 6 recommendations) was blocked from completing their reservation. So we lost that booking.


What gives?

17 Replies 17
Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


Did you reach out to CS, and inquire how this guest was able to make a reservation?  If so, what were you told?  Did you cancel the reservation?  If not, have you met the guest yet?

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Amy-and-Brian0  Instant Book glitches are well known, but three strikes is rather beyond. I actually had a saved message template for IB 'oopsies' they happened with such frequency for me. Actually it's 4 strikes with this booking, isn't it? Because you weren't even given the option to cancel penalty free due to being uncomfortable with it, though I can't quite remember how the process goes for that. And getting a hold of a CS immediately these days is impossible so calling wouldn't have done any good.


I turned IB off for good when the pandemic started and hosting is actually much easier now. Having more control, and no surprises, is relieving. And no, my listing didn't disappear off the face of the Airbnb planet like they warn you it will if you turn IB off. 


Unfortunately, with this booking, you also didn't have enough time to ask the guest to do the 'verify id' thing, or vet them further. I hope the booking goes well for you though. Let us know how you get on with them.



@Colleen253  I have never used IB and never even for one moment have I ever entertained the thought. 


I know Airbnb tries to scare hosts into using it, but as you found out, turning it off does not mean you will hardly ever get another booking. 


I can understand that for hosts with multiple listings, it might make life easier, not having to be answering inquiries and requests all day, but for hosts with only one listing, I just don't see the attraction of IB. 


To me, exchanging a message or two with guests before accepting their booking is part of hosting, and something I've never minded doing in the slightest. It gives me a really good idea of what to expect and makes me feel at ease with them when they arrive, and I think vice-versa.


In over 3 years of hosting, I have never gotten a guest who didn't read the info provided, only one who didn't answer messages (that was a special case) only one who was anything other than respectful and appreciative, none who made unreasonable demands, no one who damaged anything, none who left bad reviews.


I'm quite sure that wouldn't have been the case if I used IB. If I used IB, those guests who sent inquiries which I rejected as being unsuitable would have simply IBed and either arrived and been crummy guests, or I would have had to cancel the bookings after communicating with the guest.

@Sarah977 - we have no issue with IB as long as it's working correctly and takes into account our settings. There's clearly a bug - or several - to work out so this doesn't happen again.


@Colleen253 - you're right, it really was 4 strikes. We did call support about it - and so did the pre-approved guest. They were told some odd story about how we actually blocked the calendar ourselves or something - whatever it was, it was nonsense.

The person I spoke to - after 20 minutes on hold - said basically "yeah this is all wrong" and I'm guessing put in a ticket with the developers.

In the end the person who should not have been able to book, couldn't complete the ID verification process and ended up cancelling on their end and/or Airbnb did it. It's hard to tell because the message window says it was "cancelled" several times...but on our end, even now, it says nothing about a reservation actually ever happening.

Level 2
Denver, CO

I too have noticed the quality of guests I have received after the shutdown has gone down. I don’t know why this is! I got 3 guests in a row that did not follow my house rules. One of which destroyed my bnb! I am not getting timely responses from Airbnb. Seems like they are severely understaffed. I have considered moving to another platform. Hang in there and good luck!

Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Amy-and-Brian0 I get IB that does not match my criteria fairly often. Often enough to not be surprised. Most of the time it is same day reservation which is something I do not allow, just like you. I usually call Airbnb and they cancel without penalty. Of course it is waist of your time and effort plus those dates remain blocked until it is straightened out.

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


What did the CS reps tell you could be the reason for these non-conforming reservations?  It's quite strange that you'd get same day bookings if your reservation preferences is set to 1, 2 or 3 days lead time.  I know that if the 1 day lead time option is chosen that a reservation can occur until midnight of the guest's local time, which can be for the host the very early morning hours of the scheduled arrival date.  

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

@Debra300 first couple of times it happened I was told it was a mistake and they cancelled. One time I was told that 1 day notice means they can book up to midnight of the same day. She was not sure what time zone. If Airbnb San Francisco time, it is 2 am my time. This means that in reality it becomes a same day reservation. I am usually in bed by midnight and would not see the new reservation till morning. Not sure who is right but it becomes tricky. I have no problem with someone make a reservation the morning before the day of arrival. There can be many legitimate reasons for that. Ideally, I want the cut off to be 24 hours before my check in time.

@Alex893  Times would be your local time, not SF time.

I have trouble with the time on the check out time being base on a time zone other than mine. This makes it check out a person who is planning to continue staying. 

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


Yes, when I first started hosting I also had a one day notice, and sometimes would receive reservations in the middle of the night.  I am in agreement with @Laura2592 about increasing the booking buffer.  I still use IB, and my current settings are:

- 3 day lead time

- 2 day between bookings

- ID verified (although this no longer mean Government ID)

- Host recommendation


A booking request has to be sent for any guest or booking that doesn't meet these requirements.  I found that there are added benefit for having two days between bookings for both me and the guest.   I no longer have to rush to turnover a room, and the guest gets to stay for the full 48 hours.  Thus far, late checkouts, whether approved or guests taking liberties, have disappeared.

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Level 10
Orlando, FL

Well, the system is now asking us to review the person who couldn't complete the booking and who was "cancelled" multiple times. And yes, we could leave a review.

It's kind of a complete breakdown on this one.

@Amy-and-Brian0  Review them with 1 stars across the board and No, you would not host this guest again.  Me, vengeful?  🤣🤣🤣

Level 2
Fountain, CO

That is terrible! I hope they get this fixed immediately! I too have had trouble with guests who should have been removed because of their reviews. Also I have had issues several times with people who did not end up being able to verify their accounts preventing booking by other guests. If it is on the same day and a booking does not go through because of verification issues the future guest is having that should not block me as a host from accepting someone else. Also beyond this if I am in process of possible booking  more than one person in a spot. I want the choice as to who I book. As it is I am obligated to accept the first one that comes through or get dinged for declining that person. Sometimes I have only inquiry or messages from returning guests when this happens. A host should not get demerits for choosing not to host for whatever reason they choose. One of the other things that happens because of the way it is set up is as follows:

When I have a guest cancel that I could have handled for say a four day visit, then others are immediately able to request to book but I may not be available to do turn over for 4 separate guests on those days.


The ones that get to hold up my booking  when there are others with approved credentials and finding waiting. really bother me. Often they do not end up being able to actually book and in the meanwhile I am blocked from booking. 

Air BNB has been great to work as a hosts for hundreds of guests they brought me from around the world. They have been very responsive to my requests and suggestions.


I do also hope they will also train more supervisors to be able to interviene when some of their 200 per week new hirers give the wrong answer. 


I will continue to not use instant book for some of the reasons mentioned above. Many of my issues have not been with instant book turned on.