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Welcome to the Community Center! I'm @Elisa , one of the Community Managers for our English Community Cent...
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Guest: I am so and so, attending (local) college, coming to do (something that does not sound plausible) with friends and family.
Request is for 1 night, 10 people, no reviews, local
Me: Sounds like a really fun night! How many people are you expecting including those not staying the night?
Guest: Thanks, we are looking at 15 people. I am booking now!
Me: Ok, as long as it is under 16. Chicago currently has strict rules against Airbnb gatherings of more than 16 people and there is a counter installed. This includes anyone who stops by even for a little bit or help (like if you get a chef or photographer). The fine is something like 10k.
Guest: What does the fine include and what does it determine ? This seems excessive.
Me: You will not have to worry about it if you do not have extra people
Guest: never heard from again
We can no longer host 1 night stays in Chicago at all, this was from a little over a week ago. I have been meaning to post this for a good laugh
@Inna22 nicely handled!
Is Illinois on lock down again? One of my customers in my online business just mentioned that....I have not had a chance to look at the news yet.
@Laura2592 not really a lock down although some new rules in place. This ban is permanent and has more to do with parties than with Covid
So cute the way lies just effortlessly roll out of these wankers. It's so sad to me that we seem to now live in an age where blatant lying seems to be no longer considered to be any big deal. Oh, I forgot, they're called "alterative facts".
Perfectly handled @Inna22 - it was like watching a spider wrap its silky web around a fly 😂
Where can I buy one of these “counters”? 😂
@Pat271 I actually do have a counter! It has come in handy so many times beyond the obvious use. For example once a guest claimed she left early because of whatever was wrong with my place and wanted a refund. I sent the counter screen shot to airbnb that showed her group still there. It is called a party squasher. I am selling one very cheap on eBay right now because I had to close two properties permanently. I do have to have monthly subscription in addition to device itself though
The 'Party Squasher'. What a great invention.
@Inna22 how do they get installed?
I can already see someone walking away with it..
@Charles224 it is a small 2 x 2 black box that gets plugged into your router. It gets mixed up with all the cords. You can’t find it unless you know what you’re looking for. Plus it sends a signal when it’s unplugged. It is useless to someone if they’re not paying for the monthly service as well.
Thanks for the info @Inna22 . A must-have for those renting an entire property!
Wow, I didn’t even know these existed! I wonder if the guests can put their phones in Airplane Mode to avoid detection.
In airplane mode You cannot make or receive phonecalls, wifi reception doesn`t work and bluetooth is turned off. A smartphone doesn't make much sense in airplane mode.
@Ute42 I understand that. Party Squasher counts cellphones, but it has to be able to detect the cellphones. I’m wondering if all party participants put their phone in Airplane Mode, if they would be able to avoid being detected by Party Squasher.