Im originally from the Bay Area California, now a resident o...
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Im originally from the Bay Area California, now a resident of New Orleans..and loving it herethis is my first experience with...
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@Flavia343 Wow, persecution complex much?
There's only one review on your profile, so this is the one I presume you're referring to:
Do not host Flavia. We didn’t hear anything from her until just AFTER she checked out. She provided feedback on the condition of the home, which I welcome however she proceeded to complain about everything! In a 12 hour period, after she checked out, she proceeded to send us over 25 messages even after I asked her to stop. Her complaints ranged from “strange” art all over the house to normal wear and tear. She complained that the house smelled of Indian food (our previous guests were Indian). She then sent me about 15 photos of my personal art which are photos of people from Morocco and drawings from my kids stating over and over how strange my artwork was. None of our artwork has inappropriate content. Her comments were disrespectful and racist. She would not elaborate on how the art would impact her stay. I attempted to close out the discussion and she continued to complain and sent me over 25+ messages. Flavia left excessive trash - filled up all the trash bins (2 recycling and 1 trash) and left multiple bags in the garage for only a 3 night stay. Flavia also stated they have multiple (5) airbnb accounts and that they’re not new to this community so this was suspect to me. BEWARE OF HOSTING FLAVIA.
That review was left by a reputable and experienced host with over 100 positive reviews, who knew what she was talking about. It doesn't sound to me like bullying, but rather an honest account of her experience. If you can't handle that, you can choose to book accommodation on other platforms - most of them don't support public guest reviews.
**[Inappropriate content removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]
@Anonymous I understood you take exception to the word terrorization. According to scientific research, Cyberbullying causes humiliation, terrorization, embarrassment, and/or psychological distress. I personally did not come up with the research or choice of verbiage. However, the professional scientific researchers that do, accurately describe Cyberbullying as such perfectly. Obviously, not to be confused with terrorism or those terrorizes by war. Individuals can be terrorized for various reasons to differing degrees. All are valid to the individuals. It's notable your assumptions are not based on facts. Assuming because a host has many reviews, the current state of the property "is as advertised" is a false assumption. Equally, assuming because a guest has no prior reviews, their substantiated photos documenting the current conditions of a property are to be disbelieved is a false assumption. Simply, Cyberbullying for a host or guest is unacceptable and should not be tolerated in the Airbnb community because this type of abuse leads to suicide. Fortunately, the honest account is documented in photos of the property, the abusive messages by the host to the guest, and retaliatory abusive review. My bringing Cyberbullying to the forefront on the Airbnb platform is to help both hosts and guests from abuse and death as a result. Cyberbullying abuse is prevalent on the Airbnb platform subjecting hosts and guests to detrimental ramifications.
@Anonymous It's notable you choose to perpetuate cyberbullying by copying a review calling an individual a racist. This tactic amplifies hateful cyberbullying you are spreading in the community. Backhanded concern, "Seriously, please don't harm yourself. Even if you're a terrible Airbnb guest..." is harmful and reflects a lack of concern for the seriousness of cyberbullying and the detrimental ramifications. Its worth repeating...It's notable your assumptions are not based on facts. Assuming because a host has many reviews, the current state of the property "is as advertised" is a false assumption. Equally, assuming because a guest has no prior reviews, their substantiated photos documenting the current conditions of a property are to be disbelieved is a false assumption. Simply, Cyberbullying for a host or guest is unacceptable and should not be tolerated in the Airbnb community because this type of abuse leads to suicide. Fortunately, the honest account is documented in photos of the property, the abusive messages by the host to the guest, and retaliatory abusive review. My bringing Cyberbullying to the forefront on the Airbnb platform is to help both hosts and guests from abuse and death as a result. Cyberbullying abuse is prevalent on the Airbnb platform subjecting hosts and guests to detrimental ramifications.
Wow, what a tolerant individual you are! I look forward to a future post from you when you have an unfortunate experience with a guest and reach out for some views from the community ! Still, as you so rightly say, you can always venture off to other platforms, I would certainly miss your light-weight, liberal & vacuous views!
@Flavia343 You are obviously very upset at the negative review that your Host left you. However, I think you need to take ‘ownership’ of this one yourself. Given your response to the review you clearly feel as though there were numerous issues throughout your stay. The time to complain about these is during your stay and not after. There is a difference between helpful and private feedback which Hosts generally welcome and Feedback which is a negative list of complaints and often comes before a claim for some sort of refund. No Host that I know of takes any pleasure in leaving a negative review for a guest and as @Anonymous has pointed out, this is your Hosts experience of you as a guest which I do not see as bullying in any way. I strongly suspect that this review was left for you after you messaged your host over 25 times, despite being asked to desist… And this in itself is both bullying and unnecessary harassment. Had you simply moved on, then I doubt this review would have been left.
You need to be aware, that your response to her review will be seen by her perhaps once, but not by her future guests unless they do some serious ‘digging’. However, it will be seen by all your future Hosts and may prove to be even more off-putting to them than the review itself.
@Kate867. It's notable word such as, "I strongly suspect", "generally", etc.. are all assumptions and not based on facts. Your response also provides insight to your perspective and immediate judgement which is the bases for stopping the cyberbullying on this platform which is harmful and detrimental to individuals being subjected to hatefulness unnecessarily. So for clarity...Feedback provided on the last day of a stay is not considered after the stay. If this is incorrect, please clarify. Not requesting any monetary refunds at any time for the stay would be an accurate description in all communications. It begs repeating... Some people don’t like to harm others. Initially, messaging a Host, there is no intension to ruin their business by writing a bad review. Instead, simply providing feedback on a property for a Host to acknowledge (hopefully apologize) and take corrective actions for the next guest should always be an option. Giving the host the benefit of the doubt when they are potentially unaware of the current condition of the home and would therefore take corrective action should be acceptable. Messaging a Host feedback for the stay should be allowed without retaliation. It is quite shocking, harmful cyberbullying abusive retaliation is ALLOWED in the Airbnb space. I have now reviewed multiple reviews from both guest and host that should NOT be posted. (FYI: the factual photos of the property, messaging between host and guest exists for further potential court case for defamation and cyberbullying exists.) Prior to the abusive review being posted, Airbnb was contacted for abusive messaging by the host. Airbnb NEVER conveyed cyberbullying was allowed on their platform. Airbnb actually conveyed the opposite. They provided community guidelines and what is not acceptable. Giving the impression, these types of hateful cyberbullying tactics will not be tolerated by Airbnb. However, they NEVER inform individuals that there is a point system qualifier for dealing with cyberbullying. Instead, there is a subjective Airbnb point system allowing for cyberbullying to exist. Why have community guidelines published and then send them to individuals that will not be enforced by Airbnb. This is a bait and switch approach by Airbnb. I am simply trying to bring attention that hateful cyberbullying abuse should NEVER be allowed in this Airbnb space as it serves no purpose to the stay. Airbnb needs to start enforcing its own guidelines. Please get the word out because cyberbullying has detrimental life threatening consequences to recipients.
Hello everyone,
After reading this thread, I have noticed that some comments on this discussion have become rather personal, so let's keep it respectful going forward.
It is important that we all remember what the purpose of the Community Center is as we all want to get along here.
@Dale711. Excellent question Dale and Dan, why was no review written on this stay? Here is one reason but there are more. Some people don’t like to harm others. Initially, messaging a Host, there is no intension to ruin their business by writing a bad review. Instead, simply providing feedback on a property for a Host to acknowledge (hopefully apologize) and take corrective actions for the next guest should always be an option. Giving the host the benefit of the doubt when they are potentially unaware of the current condition of the home and would therefore take corrective action should be acceptable. Messaging a Host feedback for the stay should be allowed without retaliation. It is quite shocking, harmful cyberbullying abusive retaliation is ALLOWED in the Airbnb space. I have now reviewed multiple reviews from both guest and host that should NOT be posted. (FYI: the factual photos of the property, messaging between host and guest exists for further potential court case for defamation and cyberbullying exists.) Prior to the abusive review being posted, Airbnb was contacted for abusive messaging by the host. Airbnb NEVER conveyed cyberbullying was allowed on their platform. Airbnb actually conveyed the opposite. They provided community guidelines and what is not acceptable. Giving the impression, these types of hateful cyberbullying tactics will not be tolerated by Airbnb. However, they NEVER inform individuals that there is a point system qualifier for dealing with cyberbullying. Instead, there is a subjective Airbnb point system allowing for cyberbullying to exist. Why have community guidelines published and then send them to individuals that will not be enforced by Airbnb. This is a bait and switch approach by Airbnb. I am simply trying to bring attention that hateful cyberbullying abuse should NEVER be allowed in this Airbnb space as it serves no purpose to the stay. Airbnb needs to start enforcing its own guidelines. Please get the word out because cyberbullying has detrimental life threatening consequences to recipients.
Hi @Flavia343
I’m totally agree with your points.
I’m truly sorry that the host wrote the inappropriate language in the review.
Harmful, cyber harassment and hate speech about someone else is causing a multitude of issues.
You do respectfully the host and wish to have a feedback chat after the check out.
However, she may being sensitive and take it as a personal attacks.
It’s essential to examine and be well communication, before the determination of the negative review to the host.
You could involve the Airbnb, contact the Support Team to look into the incident and remove the review.
The reviews are important to building and maintaining trust within our community.
Reviews should be unbiased, relevant and truthful.
@Dale711. Excellent comment, "You could involve the Airbnb, contact the Support Team to look into the incident and remove the review." This is exactly what I am trying to bring to everyones attention. Airbnb Support Team provides individuals with the Airbnb's Reviews Policy which states, "To keep reviews relevant, we recommend avoiding the following: Profanity, name calling, and assumptions about a person's character or personality...When we receive a report of a review that violates this policy, we may remove the review from our platform." Airbnb gives the impression, hateful cyberbullying tactics will not be tolerated and removed. This is FALSE. Airbnb does NOT enforce its own Review Policy. Airbnb maintains a "subjective point system" allowing for cyberbullying to exist in reviews and gives the same weighted points for profanity that it does for cyberbullying. Disclaimer: Any names resemblance to real, living persons is just a coincidence. Consider the following situations and why this is an antiquated and unacceptable policy:
@Dale711 did you actually read the review?
There is literally only one thing in there that I could see as contentious and that is the use of the word 'racist'. As this is referring to comments that @Flavia343 supposedly made in her messages to the host, we cannot know for sure whether she said something racist or not, but it seems to be in relation to something she said about the artwork which the host says is of Moroccan people or drawings by her kids, but @Flavia343 claims was inappropriate.
Anyway, as we cannot know the truth of that, if we put that aside for one moment, I cannot see anything at all that can be interpreted as 'cyber bullying'. Rather, the host wrote in a polite and professional, rather than an emotional and personal, manner about her experience hosting @Flavia343
It does't matter that @Flavia343 thinks it's better to send feedback in messages rather than leave a review. The whole purpose of a review system is to benefit other users and, if the host wanted to leave what she felt was an honest review, that is not only acceptable but admirable.
@Flavia343 I noticed that you dodged the question of whether or not you sent the host 25 messages of complaints etc. Providing feedback is useful, as the host mentioned in the review, but messaging 25 times, or even 5 or 10 times with complaints (especially after the stay has ended) is HARRASSMENT.
Perhaps I am wrong, but based on everything you have written here, the host's review, the comments from the majority of her guests about the cleanliness of the property, your response to the review etc. it seems like you are the one who has actually been acting like a cyber bully.
@Huma0. It’s notable you state, "I cannot see anything at all that can be interpreted as cyber bullying", “the host wrote in a polite and professional,,, manner”, “host…review…is not only acceptable but admirable” when in fact the host made assumptions about a person's character, personality and name called which cannot in any manner be considered polite, professional, or admirable. By definition it is called cyberbullying and has detrimental life-threatening ramifications to recipients. The effects cause humiliation, terrorization, embarrassment, and/or psychological distress and can lead to suicide. The host was never the recipient of any cyberbullying. It's notable you state, "supposedly made", "seems to be", etc.. are all assumptions and not based on facts. Your response provides insight to your perspective and immediate judgement which is the bases for stopping the ongoing cyberbullying on this platform subjecting individuals to unnecessary hate and completely unrelated to the stay. You created a classic FALSE NARRATIVE stating, “Providing feedback is useful…, but messaging 25 times, or even 5 or 10 times with complaints… is HARRASSMENT.” Providing feedback with photos and captions identifying property damage needing repairs, uncleanliness, etc… is not limited to a predetermined number you state and therefore considered harassment. The feedback messages (significantly less than 25) sent to the host were not excessive nor harassment. The number is irrelevant. For example: Stating you can't send a photo of a leaky sink but only a photo of a hole in a door because you already sent photos of the broken window is a false narrative. The condition of the property determines the communication messages. The host stated she was on vacation. It was appropriate to communicate with the host the CURRENT condition of the property with photos and captions since she may not be aware. Providing private feedback versus a terrible review was what I considered appropriate at the time. I certainly did not want to ruin a host business when the issues could be addressed by the host. The feedback was provided on the last day of our stay (not after our stay) and no money for refund was ever suggested or requested. The Airbnb website photos of the home have been photoshopped, removing the host personal artwork collection mentioned by the host. Why, is a question to contemplate. I do maintain copies for legal purposes of the inappropriate adult content artwork in the home. Please read the Review Reply for additional clarity. The main issue in this discussion remains: Hateful cyberbullying abuse should NEVER be allowed in this Airbnb space as it serves no purpose to the stay to either the host or guest. Airbnb needs to start enforcing its own Review Policy guidelines and update the point system making Cyberbullying an immediate removal. Please get the word out because cyberbullying has detrimental life-threatening consequences to recipients whether they be hosts or guests.
Hi @Flavia343
Obviously, you’ve let @Huma0 known that anything’s worthwhile happens.
Loud and clear.