Help! I need to transfer a guest from our former property manager's account to our account. The guest is currently staying at the property.

Level 1
Sacramento, CA

Help! I need to transfer a guest from our former property manager's account to our account. The guest is currently staying at the property.

We have a 6 month booking that ends in April.  We have had to fire our property manager.  How do we transfer the guest booking to our account?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


it is not possible to transfer a reservation to another account. Act temporary as a co-host (if possible), otherwise reservation need to be cancelled (penalties...) and rebooked.

Co-hosting will not be possible.  So, the guest will need to cancel the reservation and re-book through us, if they are willing?  

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Tracie53  You can't. The guest would have to cancel the current booking and rebook your new listing. 

Maybe Airbnb could transfer it for you, I guess it's worth a try, but don't get your hopes up.


This is why you should always maintain control of your listing, not allow a property manager to put it on their account. 

Level 1
Sacramento, CA

Thanks Sarah.  Yes, we learned that we need to manage our own properties.  I will contact airbnb to see if they are willing to help.  It seems like it would be a no-brainer to transfer it to the property owner vs an outside party.  Fingers Crossed!