Help!! Super host gift voucher use denighed after hosts cancel as Airbnb intened and by Airbnb

Level 3
Omokoroa, New Zealand

Help!! Super host gift voucher use denighed after hosts cancel as Airbnb intened and by Airbnb

 We made a reservation using our annual super host gift voucher coupon. Unfortunately our host had to cancel.  We were issued a further 10% cancellation coupon as well. When we went rebook the following day we found our super host gift voucher had now been labeled expired when in fact it had been used and prior to the expiry date. The rules state that if a host cancels your superhost gift voucher will remain active to use in are booking. We contacted the helpline but were repeatedly told they would not and could not correct the error. Due to help line taking an excessive time to reply to us we also lost the 10% coupon as well. Helpline and the supervisor of help line have refused to be reasonable. Have refuse to correct the error that has accurred and refused to reissue the gift coupon as the rules state to enable us to rebook a reservation.

Have other superhosts experience this and lost their superhost gift voucher and coupons and been treated with such lack lack of consideration.? 

I guess it is easier to dismiss the issue than to address the problem. 

We are concerned also that others not entitled but privy to the voucher codes may be able to get to use these super host gift vouchers that are not honoured as intended? 



3 Replies 3

@Dianne6   It's a really annoying and persistent glitch in the system - the vouchers never stick whenever there's a change to a booking. It seems to be because they're programmed to be treated as discount codes rather than as Stored Value payments. 


This has happened to me too, and I just had to be persistent with customer service to issue a new voucher. 

Level 10
Harrogate, United Kingdom

@Anonymous    @Dianne6   I booked a shepherds hut over the Christmas period and now my host is asking me to cancel because they can't accommodate me anymore because NZ family suddenly staying.  I suspect they've got a longer booking?!  As I'm using a Superhost voucher as part payment, will I lose this what ever I do, whether I oblige them or not by cancelling at my end?!   The voucher will have expired which is why I booked it early.   This is very annoying.

@Jillie1 the host should be the one who cancels the booking here, not you. Once they've done so, you can try asking Airbnb to issue you a new voucher.