Help please

Level 1
Fall City, WA

Help please

Hello, so I tried too book a place near where I work because I wanted a quick get away for my girlfriend and I. I did everything right and i got the confirmation and everything like normal. (This isn’t my first time or anything) 

I have good ratings and not one issue with any of my hosts. So a few hours after I get a message from the host saying her boyfriend’s family is in town, and she needs to cancel. Not a problem, I understand. So I was polite and said “thank you for letting me know and hopefully since it’s close to my work we can stay sometime soon.”

So I waited about two weeks, what I thought would be adequate time and I booked again. And it went through, I got the confirmation. And she cancels again. By this time I’m kind of upset. So about a week goes by and my girlfriend gets a message on Facebook from someone she went to high school with, mind you she’s in her 30’s. Saying her friend (the host) had gotten a request from me and she had a weird encounter. And wants to know if I’m like sketchy or anything. 

So my observation is that the host looked me up on Facebook, and went and say my girlfriend was mutual friends on Facebook with her friend. But she must not have liked how I looked or something. 



Is there anything I could do about this? I’m super upset about how this is. Because I may not look the friendliest. But I am one of the nicest people anyone would meet.   

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Florence, Canada

It's hard to say, @Nikki306 . Maybe she thinks you are a local? That can be a red flag for hosts. Locals = parties sometimes. 

But something is off, she feels uncomfortable for some reason, and I think you might be dodging a bullet here if you just pick another place. 

It has happened to many of us. We don't know what it is, but if it is not a good fit on both sides it is just not going to work. 

Your reviews are great. You should have no problem getting another place. 

I never tell people to smile, because I hate that myself, but if you really think the photo is the problem, you might try smiling. If it gets you a place to stay, it's worth it. 🙂


Level 1
Fall City, WA

Okay, that totally make sense. I live within 30-40 minutes so I could see that being a concern most definitely. Thank you! 

@Nikki306  I think @Lawrene0  has a good point - many hosts are wary of bookings from locals for many reasons. In addition to parties, you have many cases of people using an Airbnb as a place to deal drugs, as a pop-up brothel, a place for an affair, or as a squat when they've lost their place of residence. It's always good to provide your host a few sentences explaining the purpose of your visit, but this is especially the case when you're booking within driving distance of your home city.


If this particular host has changed her mind about your request, she still has the ability to send a Special Offer. But honestly, she kind of sounds like a crappy host. She wants to screen guests but she won't turn off Instant Book? Then she lies about her reasons for cancelling and cancels a booking twice? And supplies details of a booking to a mutual Facebook contact, which many would consider a privacy violation? She may have a nice place to say, but this is all really unprofessional conduct. I hope you and your girlfriend find a better host who is worthy of your business.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Nikki306  Yeah, it's probably because you're a local, which can be problematic, as explained. As for your photo, I never think people should have to smile, but unless your eyesight requires them , maybe take a new photo for Airbnb ditching the shades? Some people might see that as sketchy, I don't know. The more open and friendly (sans fake smile) a guest looks on their profile photo,  the more it comes across as someone a host would feel comfortable having in their home. It's just human psychology.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

I agree with the others about what might be the problem.  Are you more comfortable with sharing a little more about why you are seeking to book?  You could choose not to use IB and send a message to the host acknowledging the concerns about local bookings.  Your good reviews are a couple of years old, so being aware of the host perspective would certainly sway me!