Help with our first problem with guests.

Level 2
Gosford, Australia

Help with our first problem with guests.

We would like advice on the best way to deal with a guest who broke things without telling us, including the shower head and hose. Should we contact them through Airbnb messages and ask for compensation or just give a truthful review about how they argued loudly during their stay, left everything dirty and broke or took glasses, banged their chair onto a display picture tearing it and bent the shower hose breaking it and half pulling the shower head out of the wall !!

7 Replies 7

@Roy-And-Kym0  You definitely have the right to request compensation, if you feel it's worth the process. You'll want to have documentation ready for the replacement/repair costs of the damaged items, and initiate the request via . Given the temperament you described, the likely results will be that they dispute the charge, leaving you to escalate it to Airbnb. With that in mind, I'd only recommend charging for the shower damage, since that's a pretty cut and dry case. Glasses should be of insignificant enough value to waive, and a display picture might be complicated unless it's an artwork that's been formally appraised.


In this case I wouldn't bother messaging the guests prior to sending the resolution request. You'll have the opportunity in the request itself to explain the reasons for the charge. Naturally, a retaliatory review and some unpleasant messages are the risks you accept.


A truthful review is richly deserved. No need to go into specific details about the damage, so much as whether they accepted responsibility for it. 

Thankyou for your considered reply. They are all good points that you have raised.

Level 10
Montreal, Canada

Dear @Roy-And-Kym0 

can I ask you how long your visitor stayed at your place ?


Hello, the guests stayed for a week. 

Level 2
Bend, OR

I am in the middle of said "resolution claim" process and it has been BEYOND a nightmare. All for a measly, agreed-upon 150 with the guest. The resolution center is inaccessible to hosts, with no direct number, and since Airbnb went "public", you cannot truly talk to a single person who doesn't give you the same script answers. The website will not let you change a claim amount, nor cancel, nothing. I am stuck in limbo with no real person. Week after week, I get an almost automated message from a resolution "person" who says the same things EVERY TIME. "I will be away for 2 days and the claim is in review" Despite weekly frustrating phone calls that go NOWHERE because you can only talk to innocuous customer service phone people who won't connect you to anyone, and literally feed you scripted answers like robots. I am transitioning to VRBO. And I own shares in Airbnb as a longtime host...I have no recourse. None.

Thanks for the heads up, what a nightmare !!!

Hello @Alyce23 ,

your story is incredible and almost seams unbelievable, but I do believe it 100%
As a new host, it is pretty scary 😟 

goid luck and keep us posted if the resolution when you get one.
