Hi everyone,I have a guest who faced some issues during thei...
Hi everyone,I have a guest who faced some issues during their stay and is now requesting a partial refund. The concerns they ...
My friend has just experienced the guests from XXX.
This is a new listing that was obviously targeted by this group of young men from South Carolina. The registered guest had 6 great reviews from other hosts, but this was his first time renting a whole house via AirBnB. He and his friends trashed the house. Beer cans everywhere, beer and other liquids poured onto the mattresses, towels stacked in the bathroom and the shower left on, soaking the floor. Food stuffed down the kitchen sink drains. Unspeakable stains and body emissions on the bed linens, rugs, chairs and couch cushions.
My friend was terribly upset -- this was her 4th guest, and she is already having to replace furnishings. She took pictures and has submitted them to AirBnB, but has no hopes of receiving any compensation from either the guest (who laughed at her) or AirBnB. She is afraid to submit a review because the guest will retaliate.
When will AirBnB begin to support hosts and obtain compensation from irresponsible guests? Why are they not held accountable?
@Sumana5 Well, many of those posts, at least on this Airbnb hosting forum, which mention ethnicities or race, get reported by other posters as discriminatory and are taken down, or the offending part blocked out.
I actually acknowledge that there are cultural differences, although within those, not everyone is like that, and that it shouldn't always be considered discriminatory to mention them, as long as it leads to greater understanding, rather than prejudice.
For instance, I've read posts where hosts said their guests were disgustingly unhygenic because they were throwing their used toilet paper in the basket, rather than flushing it. It had to be explained to them that there are many countries where the plumbing can't handle tp and it's normal to put the paper in the basket, otherwise the toilet would plug up, and that that's probably what their guests were used to, it wasn't that they were acting like pigs.
And hosts who live in multicultural neighborhoods or maybe predominently black or Latino have had guests who claimed the area was "sketchy" or that they felt unsafe, not because of reality, but because of their own prejudices. So those hosts need listing wording like "This is a vibrant, multicultural, multiracial neighborhood " to warn away the racist, fearful types.
And there was a thread here started by a Chinese host who lived in the US, I think, tiitled "Read this before hosting Chinese guests" or something like that, explained, among other things, why Chinese guests often flood the bathroom (as bathrooms in much of Asia are"wet rooms", all concrete with a drain in the floor, so they may not even know to put the shower curtain inside the tub or surround when showering, or that the water will destroy the wooden subfloor).
That info helps other hosts who may think the guests are just being stupid or disrespectful, when they simply are unfamiliar with how things work outside their own country.
But of course, unwanted sexual advances are not appropriate anywhere and not to be excused because of culture. And being stuck in your home with someone like that is uncomfortable, and often scary or dangerous. A little innocent flirting might be not a big deal to some women, as long as the guy backs off the moment it's evident you aren't reciprocating. But even that can be an uncomfortable annoyance, isn't appropriate to a guest/host relationship, and can make things feel strange for the rest of the guest's stay. If there's some mutual attraction, it can always be pursued after the stay is over.
I had one male guest invite me out for dinner the first night of his stay, but there was no sexual innuendo at all from him, he was just being nice and didn't want to eat out alone, so that was fine.
Thanks for your message. I appreciate that you take time to reply, share your experience, give advice and so politely !
It's good to know that discriminatory posts are reported and removed here on airbnb forum.
As for multicultural locality, ads and reactions to that in France : there are some racial slurs, expressions that have become unfortunately popular in here, like "Paris is for Parisians", "one shouldn't feel that he is in Africa while living in/visiting Paris". These thoughts/slogans are popularized by far right-wing party and its friends, "intellectuals", preaching 24hrs on some tv channels.
Yes, it's interesting the anthropological studies that can be done through basic common behaviors. Kitchen, washroom, toilet..
Though, not leaving **bleep**s or **bleep** stains on toilets is a basic civic sense in most countries. As my guests were from France or western Europe, i didn't expect any violation of that basic rule.
Yes, intruding, imposing, harassing male presence in guest/host situation can become dangerous. Social contact between people, men and woman, has to be mutual, mutually accepted. I am happy for your lovely experience. I had a similar one recently, it was refreshing.
Wishing you a beautiful summer week,
p.s. In French version of airbnb "Instant Booking" is mentioned "réservation automatique", i translated it into English in my message here as "automatic reservation", i didn't know the term "Instant Booking" on airbnb.
Thanks a lot again for your time and advice !
@Lorna170 unfortunately it happens a lot with new whole house listings. Some of our worst guests were the first few because poor guests target new hosts.
Its a shame the ABB is not more supportive but I would say that your friend should absolutely leave an honest review. If she filed a police report there's no getting around the fact that these guests know about it and are probably going to blast her. Heck if she asked for damages and they laughed she knows the deal already. A kind review will not be forthcoming.
If I were her I'd probably not host groups for awhile or turn off instant book.
@Laura2592 While she did not leave a review, she did file a police report and her insurance company is also pursuing the issue. She has turned off instant book, has extended her time frame to not booking less than 7 days ahead and has gotten an attorney approved rental agreement for future guests to return prior to getting the key. Hopefully she will not experience any more bad guests.