Host Advisory Board Spotlight: Pascale Hasson

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London, United Kingdom

Host Advisory Board Spotlight: Pascale Hasson



Hiya everyone,


Today, I would like to introduce you to another member of the Host Advisory Board — Pascale, a French host from the Bordeaux area, who talks about the benefits of hosting, including meeting people with different interests from your own. Read her story here


Pascale shares some news about the work of the Advisory Board recently, and also told us what hosting travellers has meant to her through many stays and meetings: 


  • Staying on Airbnb has allowed her to get out of her comfort zone and keep meeting new people she might not have met otherwise.
  • Becoming a host is also a way to have greater financial security while having some control over her schedule.
  • As an artist, it has also allowed her to express herself through decorating her accommodation, sharing techniques with other artists who have stayed with her, and encouraging tourists to discover local art and artists. Her advice: Be yourself, and be proud of your accommodation! 


What has being a host brought you over the years? What have you achieved, and what have you gained from this decision?


Thank you,





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3 Replies 3
Level 10
Bordeaux, France








Hi Everyone,


I had planned to talk about Bordeaux and its French host community but the news changed my mind. 😓

Therefore, I take the opportunity of this publication to let you know about the last action dated yesterday which target is to provide a home to those who lost everything due to flooding in Europe : the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and northern France.


And remember, there is no small contribution.💐






Host Advisory Board Alumni
Achères-la-Forêt, France

Hello @Stephanie @Pascale144 ,


Thank you for this introduction of the HAB work and I am proud to have @Pascale144  as our French representant!

As mentionned, the French Host community is responsive in this period of flooding in North of France,  and many hosts propose their place to give shelter to people who have lost their home. As well as the French community has been supportive towards health workers during the French lockdown crisis last March-April 2020.

It's another side of being a host in France that many of us consider almost mandatory.


I am a host since a year and a half, I chose to publish my listings only on Airbnb because it was the way I wanted to host: meet new people, from anywhere, with an interest for my area and exchanges about anything, make them feel home during their stay.


As leader of one of the 100 community clubs, I try to get the hosts of my area to make their best to hosts,  to give them knowledge about sustainable tourism (which is my driving concern),  to help and answer to their concerns.


Being a host is a way of living now, maybe too much sometimes because I will always choose the comfort of my guests over my own...


I also joined the French Hosts Federation (FHF) which is a non profit organization born in 2020 to gather the different profiles of tourism hosts/stakeholders. Together, they constitute a true chain of know-how, all the links of which are indispensable, complementary and useful to the development of tourism in metropolitan France and overseas. @Pascale144 is also a member of the FHF board.


As a host, I am a part of the big Airbnb community and I know that I will always be welcome everywhere in the world thanks to my engagement.


@Pascale144 is inspiring as the other board members of the first HAB, I think they should have another 12 months time to go further on their project !





(Sauf indication contraire, mes contributions sont issues de mon expérience en tant qu'hôte)
Level 10
Bordeaux, France

@Delphine348 Merci”  for your post. What a busy life !  As you mentioned it : ” hosting is a way of living” for many of us. And the way we are “doing” it shows who we are, don’t you think? To stand for sustainable tourism must give you great satisfaction. 👏👏👏


 Could you just send a picture of what you are proud to have accomplished, please? I’m starting, If you don’t mind. #proudhosting in Bordeaux. 


Screenshot 2021-07-30 at 14.23.25.png


Also, #proudhosting and saving those two family chairs from being considered as trash.   Guests love them too


 Screenshot 2021-07-30 at 14.21.36.png
