
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Host Company Stock Purchase Plan

Level 3
Poland, OH

Host Company Stock Purchase Plan

I would like to know if Airbnb has thought of developing a more inclusive plan for stock purchase at a discount for hosts. Such as being included in the Employee Stock Purchase Plan or some type of similar plan, like the plan that's offered to Airbnb employees.?


I know that some hosts were offered stock options during the initial IPO of Airbnb, however many were not, and Airbnb gains many new successful hosts each, and every day. Therefore, as noted by your company benefits for employees, they have options to enroll in an employee stock purchase plan, therefore purchasing company stock at a discounted rate. Therefore, my question since hosts are so important to this platform and the company ultimately would not exist without the many hosts here in the United States and around the world, why is there not a stock purchase plan that hosts could take advantage of and or invest some of the earnings from our hosting duties into company stock purchase at a discount? This not only shows support for the company, but also provides a sense of inclusion for hosts who are all true assets of this company allowing it to continue to grow and prosper into a more profitable and robust company each, and every day. Hosts are an integral part of Airbnb and we all should be given the opportunity to be part of the success, as again without hosts this business model would not function, therefore making hosts one of the most important parts of the company. I would love to see some sort of discounted stock offering offered soon for hosts, and or an option to enroll in an employee like stock purchase plan, again like the one made available to regular Airbnb employees. We are all part of the future and success of this company and should be given this opportunity to show our pride for our hard work now at Airbnb and what the future holds for Airbnb. 

3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

This is a great idea @Kyle476. I've passed your feedback on to the team!



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Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kyle476 Employee share purchase plans are great for firms to encourage loyalty from their employees. I am not so sure they are suitable to incentivise suppliers (which is fundamentally what hosts are). Also there will be jurisdictional issues which would mean only hosts in the USA could benefit.

I would far prefer a discount on my listing fees - Perhaps one that rises with time spent on the platform or money earned on the platform. This could easily be applied worldwide.

Level 3
Poland, OH

@Quincy Thanks so much for passing this on. I’m sure it’s a far fetched idea, but you never know until you ask! So maybe they can work something else. I think hosts deserve this for sure and it would be a great way to show pride and encouragement for hosts and help the forward looking growth of Airbnb. 

@Mike-And-Jane0 I do also understand your view as well. A discount in fees for long term loyal hosts also would be a good idea and possibly easier to implement around the globe since this is a global company allowing for better inclusion of all hosts, as I’m sure there is red tape with a stock purchase plan that would make it harder to implement on a global scale. However, I do have to say the fees for hosts seem relatively reasonable compared to some of the competition. However, the it does appear the bulk of the fees are passed on to the guest and sometimes this could deter some from using the platform to book and cause them to book elsewhere. Also, if you have multiple listings I can see how they may add up quickly even with the fees being lower on the host side, so totally can agree with your viewpoint. I’m just hopeful overall that Airbnb can implement some sort of program to recognize hosts and build pride and enthusiasm for onward continual use of the platform as again without all of the dedicated hosts around the world the company would not really be what it is today. 🙂