Goodsfternoon, I am making contact with you to inform you th...
Goodsfternoon, I am making contact with you to inform you that I will be proceeding with legal action against Air BnB due to ...
On arrival my host asked me to sign a form with passport information because apparently it is required in Spain by the police.
I was just wondering how it is used, whether this is legit or my info is searched etc.
The host has to take the ID from guest, the host to registers with the local police or guardia civil. Its law and the host visits the police in person to register not the guest. Host gets pass word to the gaurdia civil website to load up the guests ID. Guests cannot do this its up to the host and data protection applies all information locked away by host and destroyed after three years. As inspections can be done and host must have the copies of passport, forms and information guest book to show police or guardia civil. Its Law.
My host has me to send photos of the passport to a email is this normal.
No, never send passport information by email! Always use an internet site that is secured (like your bank site) with the "green shield" on the address bar. The more secure thing to do is to show up at a registration office in the country that you are visiting and fill out the forms there manually (you have 24 hours, not 12 as stated earlier in this thread). Then you will give your passports to the officer and you will get a permit to stay. Good luck.
PS! The landlord (the owner or his renting company) must also keep this information for 3 years according to the new law. All this may be just to combat airbnb in a way I guess but will also mean security both for the owner and his guests. Airbnb just has to adapt....
It is law in Valencia, my problem is one guest cancelled and would not give his ID.
I cannot inforce the law if guest refuses and not sure what to do about it if they do. I send a email with forms attached well in advance of guest checking in and ask for copy of ID as well. Chasing them up is intrusive and I try to get it all done before they check in to save keep messaging them. I also suggest that they look at the Guardia civil website to see it is law, a little stressful, maybe Airbnb could put note on booking that this is required. Have put in description as well.
But cannot inforce do I send them down to the Guardia civil or just report they will not comply.
My host asked me to send photos of our passports via email. Is this safe with GDPR?
should I ask whether or not they are GDPR compliant?
My host asked me to send photos of our passports via email. Is this safe with GDPR?
should I ask whether or not they are GDPR compliant?
I have found this app also and will test it today.
And this **
I also visit **
Is there any more similar solutions?
**[Hyperlinks removed - Community Center Guidelines ]
Those are the same three I found for Spain. Were you able to test them? It looks like checkinscan doesn't have the ability to collect information ahead of time, and Partee is only available in Spanish. I'm leaning towards Will check with our web developer to see if it can be integrated with our booking system.
This happens in many countries where they have to big police or tourist departments. It is stupid to force so many people to hand over or handle sensitive travel document data.
Hi all, yes is legit and yes vacation rentals have the same obligation as hotels to report the details of all adult guests to the Guardia Civil within 24 hours.
Partee for me as a host is a great way to speed up the check-in process - especially of large groups. The guests can provide their details in advance using their mobile or tablet.
is there anyone who can confirm (and have used) to send their personal data to the host? The host asked me to fill in my data via the external link Is it legal and safe?
Can airbnb do this automatically?