As we all know by now, Airbnb Co-Founder and board member Jo...
As we all know by now, Airbnb Co-Founder and board member Joe Gebbia is an ardent Trump and Musk supporter. Hosts and renter...
On arrival my host asked me to sign a form with passport information because apparently it is required in Spain by the police.
I was just wondering how it is used, whether this is legit or my info is searched etc.
I'm a host in Spain. By law all guests have to be registered with the guardia civil within 24 hours. Nowadays this is done online and the old guestbooks are past due. The information required is ID (passport id card DNI NIE) place / country of issue valid from (funny as all new Spanish ID's have a valid until) Name (all), birth date, nationality and gender as well as date of arrival.
We use a standard form - others may take a copy of the ID - whatever floats your boat as long as one complies with the regs.
Hope this helps
Martin GJ
Hi Martin
We have had to cancel booking for our 3 apartments in Balearic Islands due to the new law passed in July that states up to EUR40 000 fine if found renting out private apartments to holiday makers. Licenses are only granted now to free standing houses and no apartments are allowed to rent out to tourists.
Hi Martin
We have had to cancel booking for our 3 apartments in Balearic Islands due to the new law passed in July that states up to EUR40 000 fine if found renting out private apartments to holiday makers. Licenses are only granted now to free standing houses and no apartments are allowed to rent out to tourists.
Hi Martin.
We are looking at renting in Barcelona this summer and this policy is in my opinion a bit weird for obvious reasons. However, I am going to choose to abide by this rule. However, personally I feel uncomfortable to provide my host with that information directly as Passport details are highly prized on the web/black market for illicit purposes or shared accidently or not disposed of correctly/completely. Can i give my info directly to the police without the host taking my personal information, if so - how do I do that and safeguard my personal information?
Hi Martin, what standard form do you use? And how do you manage this if there is no one to check in guests and its done by self-check-in with no host present at all? Can you take details in advance?
Sorry for the late answer. We use a paper based form that has all the fields required by GC but we do greet our guests personally.
Basically, it comes down to trust. For autocheckin you could ask that they either send a scan of an ID, the details required or that they provide the paperwork by next day to a place ...... So they have a choice. It is best to explain that we as hosts have no access to the personal data provided to AirBnB as they may say well we filled this out already.
So long M
@Vanessa776 wrote:Hi Martin, what standard form do you use? And how do you manage this if there is no one to check in guests and its done by self-check-in with no host present at all? Can you take details in advance?
Hello Martin
Do you know the platform in Spain?
I have been asked by my host to complete the form on their platform - and he wrote me this:
Dear guest,
Please, in order to speed up your check-in at CHALET HARO, 12-09-2019, click on the following LINK to complete your registration with the information included in your Passport or ID.
Likewise, you must share the link with all the guests of the reservation who have Passport or ID in order to enforce the Spanish law regarding Partes de entrada y libro-registro. The link will be accessible up to your check-in day.
If the link does not work, please copy and paste the following URL into your web browser:
Is this legit?
I got the same link - did you do it? Was it legit?
I also got this same link and was windering if it was safe to fill out? My host wanted to send this via email.
Do you have any feedback?
Thank you.
Hey Martin, I was wondering if you could tell me the name of the app. New to hosting in Spain
It is required by law in many European countries including including Spain and Italy, to report all paying guests to the authorities (immigration police and tourist authorities) as if you were staying in a hotel. A host not complying with the rule will risk high fines and withdrawal of the licence to do short time rentals.
Just make sure you book with a long established, legal host with a licence number and you should be fine.