Host refusing to honor the reservation or to follow the proper process to cancel

Level 2
Brussels, Belgium

Host refusing to honor the reservation or to follow the proper process to cancel

Hi everyone.


I'm new to AirBnB (first time making a reservation) and I have a problem.


1 - I make a reservation for this summer. The reservation is accepted, and confirmed. And the money is taken out of my credit card (100% of the price).


2 - Later, the host start sending me messages (on AirBNB & by mail) saying : He made a mistake. He usually rent the place for one month for a larger price. His wife forgot to change the price. They made renovations since then. And finally when I ask him what he proposes he asks me to delete the reservation saying that he cannot rent it anymore and that he won't be in the city.


Obviously he's not really telling me the truth


After searching for what to do in such a case, I have found this link that has the information about what to do in a situation like this one


I have followed the exact instructions from this link, to the letter. As a result, a message was sent to the host (by the system) for confirmation that he will not be able to receive me. But instead of confirming it, the host cancelled it. 


So now, the host is not willing to give me access to the location. And he refuses to follow the correct process for cancellation (he said "he miscliked"). And the money money has been taken out of my credit card.


I really need help, ideally from someone from AirBnB or good advice about what to do in such a situation. Thank you in advance.

Top Answer
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Grégory44 I'm not sure what you mean about the host cancelling a confirmation that the host will not be able to receive you. What the host would have received is a system message which they can accept or decline, not "cancel".


A guest shouldn't have to send anything to a responsible host for the host to do a cancellation. Hosts can cancel on their own, or if they gave a valid reason to Airbnb, like their plumbing burst ( the host not having their pricing right isn't a valid reason), they can cancel without penalties under the extenuating circumstances policy.


You need to contact Airbnb customer service, explain what has happened, and ask them to look at the messages between you and the host, where the host said he couldn't host you at the price listed, that it wasn't you requesting  a cancellation. As it stands, the booking hasn't been cancelled, you have a valid reservation which the host is either bound to honor, or cancel from their end so you receive your full refund.


This host has definitely behaved dishonorably, or they are just really confused about everything.


4 Replies 4
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Grégory44 I'm not sure what you mean about the host cancelling a confirmation that the host will not be able to receive you. What the host would have received is a system message which they can accept or decline, not "cancel".


A guest shouldn't have to send anything to a responsible host for the host to do a cancellation. Hosts can cancel on their own, or if they gave a valid reason to Airbnb, like their plumbing burst ( the host not having their pricing right isn't a valid reason), they can cancel without penalties under the extenuating circumstances policy.


You need to contact Airbnb customer service, explain what has happened, and ask them to look at the messages between you and the host, where the host said he couldn't host you at the price listed, that it wasn't you requesting  a cancellation. As it stands, the booking hasn't been cancelled, you have a valid reservation which the host is either bound to honor, or cancel from their end so you receive your full refund.


This host has definitely behaved dishonorably, or they are just really confused about everything.


Level 2
Brussels, Belgium

Thank you @Sarah977


I have sent a message to "Assistance AirBnB". It appears among my other messages, on the website. Is there any other way to contact AirBnB customer service or is this the proper way ?


> I'm not sure what you mean about the host cancelling a confirmation that the host will not be able to receive you. 


Well, there is a special process to follow if the host tell you that he will not be able to receive you anymore (see the link I have posted before). Basically, it's the same as if the host cancel himself.


But in this case, the host doesn't want to rent me (despite the fact that it's already paid). He doesn't want to cancel. And he is playing dumb. That's the jist of it.

Level 2
Brussels, Belgium

The problem has been solved after a contact with the AirBnB staff.


Thanks to the AirBnB staff and thanks Sarah, Mike and Jane for answering.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Grégory44 Contact phone numbers for Airbnb can be found in a post pinned to the top of the help section in this community centre. Hopefully there will be a number close to you that you can call.

Good luck and make sure any communication with this disgraceful host is kept on the platform so you have proof of what has been said.