Hosting Teams vs. Co-Host in 2022?

Hosting Teams vs. Co-Host in 2022?

I think that hosting teams has been a feature for a few years now that I have never used in the past, but Airbnb's latest dashboard updates seem to have highlighted it for me for the first time ever. I tried to do some research into the pros and cons of being a co-host vs. team member to host both my own property as well as one additional listing. I found this community post: that seemed to explain in a bit of detail, but I'm not sure if things have changed since 2019.


What's new about the hosting feature in 2022? or am I just discovering it for the first time now and it's actually an old feature?

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Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Hi @Victor-and-Cindy0 ! Did you find an answer yet to your question? 



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