How can enable multiple rooms for booking?

Level 2
Jaipur, India

How can enable multiple rooms for booking?



My property have 10+ Rooms and i listed already at Airbnb that we have 10+ beds but after booking on any day is disable for next booking.


So what we need is


If any one book our room on 2nd February 2020

Then it should be available for booking again till our rooms are full or we block that day for booking.


Please help me by your ideas or suggestion that how can i do this.



Suraj Anjaana

1 Reply 1
Level 10
State of Bahia, Brazil

@Rohan54 works like that because it is a plataform for hotels, and one hotel have many rooms, which all look the same


Airbnb os a diferent plataform, it was designed for homes. At homes even if you have more than one room, they are all different, so you need different listings.


You will need 10 different listings for your rooms with individual description and fotos.


And if you want to be able to book the whole place for a big group you will need to create another listing for that and link them all toguether so that if the whole place is booked you don't get double booked.