How do I/ can I charge guests for unauthorized party and the extra people that attended the party?

Level 1
Fort Worth, TX

How do I/ can I charge guests for unauthorized party and the extra people that attended the party?

I recently had a hosting situation where a guest brought 14 people to a 6 person reservation. They probably had an event where they went to and when they came came back, there were a total of 14 people who attended which i think was an after party at my house. Given that not all of them stayed till the sunrise, but they were there till 2-3 am, and the guest violated the “no party and events” rules. I found out about this after my

neighbor complained me about the noise around midnight. 

4 Replies 4

@Anish160  The guests were in violation of both your House Rules and of Airbnb's "no parties" policy, but the only real recourse you have when guests break the rules is to terminate the booking and remove them from the home. If the group has already checked out, you can ask them for extra payment via , but if they don't agree to the charge,  Airbnb is unlikely to get it out of them on your behalf.  You can pursue a claim for physical damage, if there was any, but otherwise the "Host Guarantee" doesn't apply here. 





Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Anish160  Things really shouldn't get to the point where the neighbors have to call you- if you don't have outdoor cameras, you need to install some. If you have them and don't pay attention to them, you need to start doing so. 


There are also noise detectors you can get and something called Party Squasher, which alerts you to the number of devices plugged in. You can bet if there are 14 people in the house, half of them are going to have their phones charging.

Level 10
Frederick, MD

@Anish160 you can try to collect extra guest fees (if you normally charge those) or extra cleaning through the resolution center.  The guest will undoubtedly be triggered to leave a bad review as soon as you ask.  Airbnb may not support you...they often don't. They will likely ask for photos of the party in progress before they believe you. If your guests refuse your request, Airbnb will arbitrate. 


I would definitely leave an appropriate review such as the following:


"So and so booked for 6 but at least 14 people arrived for an unauthorized party.  Extra clean up was needed. Guest did not communicate their intent to bring so many people to our space. We can't recommend this guest and they are not welcome back. "


Low stars in all categories/would not host again. 

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



Please report this to Airbnb and give the guests the review they deserve.


It’s not likely that you will ever be compensated but you can take steps to discourage this unconscionable abuse in the future.