How do I "Approve a cancellation"?

How do I "Approve a cancellation"?

In the past day I have had two reservations for late April that want to cancel.  I am happy to give them a full refund, and I know they will ultimately have to cancel due to travel restrictions.   However, they both contacted me  to say I need to approve the cancellation request.  I don't know where/how to do that.... Please advise!

Thank you,


4 Replies 4
Level 10
Berkeley, CA

Dear Karen & Mike, they want to avoid any fees that Airbnb might charge- they can cancel & there's nothing you can do about it. If Airbnb contacts you asking you to cancel then go ahead, otherwise, tell the guests that you have no say in how airbnb handles fees and cancellations  (Huge understatement!) Stay well, Sally

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Karen-and-Mike1   However, they both contacted me  to say I need to approve the cancellation request."

There is no need for  a host to approve a guest cancellation. DO NOT accept a message saying the guest wants to cancel and asking you to approve it. If you get one, decline it. If you accept, it registers as a HOST cancellation and you will be penalized by Airbnb.

The guest can cancel from their end- advise them to do this. The only reason guests do this is because if they cancel themselves, they may not get a full refund. Don't fall for this trick. 

If you are amenable to giving them a full refund if Airbnb doesn't, you can tell them you'll refund the the rest when you see a payout for their reservation (don't refund before this, because they may convince Airbnb to refund in full, anyway) Or tell them you'll refund the rest if you are able to rebook the dates, but in order for that to happen, they need to cancel ASAP so the dates unblock and can possibly be rebooked.

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Karen-and-Mike1   No, that is false.  They can cancel on their own, they don't need you to do it.  Do not cancel for them because there is the potential that even in this free cancellation for everyone that you will still take some kind of secret hit.  Tell them to cancel and airbnb will give them their refund.  Do not cancel for them or give them any refund yourself. 

Level 10
State of Bahia, Brazil

I would ignore the request or refuse. Tell the guest that they need to make the cancelation, not request a cancelation. When they make the cancelation you will receive an email saying the guests cancelled and there is a button for you to press in case you want to authorize a refund. 


I have never authorized a request for cancellation because in these forums there are a lot of hosts who got penalised for it, as if the host ha made the cancelation. So I would not recommend it.