How do i specifically find houseboats listed for airbnb !!

Level 2
Cape Charles, VA

How do i specifically find houseboats listed for airbnb !!

Looking to ship my houseboat to Va/ North Carolina this spring near a few more in marina in Virginia or North Carolina.

Or any suggestions how i find houseboats that are successful host at a marina.

Seasoned 5 star host but boatel hosting is new to me.


3 Replies 3
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Type houseboat airbnb into google, @Catherine285 

I'm not being facetious. Using google is often more effective than trying to search for something within the Airbnb site. 

Level 2
Cape Charles, VA

golly... wish I was as smart as you are.

houseboat people are already reaching back to me!!! 

Level 2
Delta, Canada

C8EE08A4-A18B-4746-98D4-0D42463C0FB6.jpegHi @Catherine285. We want to host guests aboard our Floathome (in BC, Canada). We’d like them to enjoy canoeing but unsure of whether the risk to us would be prohibitive. Any ideas?