When guest leaves a review, I receive an email like this
When I click on visit profile, I come to this page
There is absolutely no easy way to see the actual stars from this page that I could find. I need to press at least 10 different buttons and cannot even repeat the sequence now.
Instead, I re-login to my Airbnb profile, click on performance then quality and then scroll to recent.
@Inna22 You have to log in to Airbnb and go to your Performance tab.
I actually like how Airbnb does it. It prevents me from looking at the star ratings. So I really don't stress about it, unless the written review is not great.
@Emilia42😄 lol yes, same here, in fact I wrote a post yesterday asking where can I see what rating I received for each category . I didn’t know where is it bc I didn't look at it for a few years 🙂